Tuesday, May 07, 2002
The world is a wild and crazy place.
Certainly, one thing I’d like to get out of a diary is to track how my thoughts, my views, my opinions of the world change over time. I used to ‘believe in Santa Claus’. It would be interesting to look back at how I saw the world then as to how I see the world now.
So how do I stand? Well… I guess I consider myself ‘liberal’, though would never want myself associated with Jean Chretien and his goons. But like most people, my views vary between liberalism and conservatism on any number of issues.
Abortion: I’m for it. Can’t imagine I’d ever want to do it myself, but it sure beats the hell out of having children no one wants living in the world. I’m sure many of them would grow up to be productive people, but without guarantees… seems kinda cruel.
Capital Punishment: I was against it for the longest time. It’s not an effective deterrent, and the costs involved are never less than ‘life imprisonment’. However, I recently read that MORE death row inmates who are innocent have their sentences overturned than ‘lifers’ who are innocent. From that point of view, with all the extra money and attention yielded to people facing the death penalty… it seems that justice is in fact better served! I don’t believe in an eye for an eye or any of that shit, but if more innocent people are freed, how can that be bad?
Cloning: It’s funny, even five years ago, this wasn’t an issue to be seriously discussed! And now every one and their mother are vocally against it. I’m not sure what the big deal is. Most people say ‘it’s wrong’ and kind of leave it at that. Why is it wrong? Because it’s play God? It’s not like 8 million other things we do every day isn’t. Besides, what’s wrong with playing God? It’s not like He simply came into existence, omnipotence and all is it? He had to practice a little. Besides, if we are created in His image… why is it wrong to do what he does?
War on Terrorism: hopefully I can look back on THIS and it won’t be an issue. Terrorism is a cowards way of fighting a losing cause. Gandhi freed one of the largest nations on earth, didn’t level a single skyscraper, pizza parlour or city bus. The American’s gained independence by fighting the English army. Israel was created by international accord to the plight of Jews. There are a lot of ways to get what you want without killing people. The world will be a better place when terrorism is dealt with by unequivocal violence. Fire with Fire. If you’re not going to reason with me, I’m not going to reason with you.
Obesity: Five years ago, I found the idea of being overweight quite… unappealing. If I’d known that I’d ‘blow up’ to 400 pounds, I probably would have killed myself! But like many other lifestyle choices, it has its myths, its advantages and its disadvantages. The key is, I think fat women are attractive, and fat men aren’t. Just the way the fat sits I suppose. For example, I’m generously curvy at about 450 lbs, and Ian is awkwardly bulbous at 337 pounds. I would date someone like me, but if I didn’t already know Ian, I wouldn’t give him the time of day.
Ian: I love Ian, very much. He makes my life interesting, which is the most you can ask from anyone, right? He’s got a wry sense of humour. Sometimes he pushes that too far, but that happens. He’s very bright. He may not know everything, but he’s very good at seeming like he does. I’m always learning from him, my world views are shaped by his world views. We argue a lot, but it’s usually a beneficial, structured debate, we don’t just shout. Of course, the main sticking point these days is his weight gain. I know, I’m still 100 or so pounds bigger than he is, yet I can’t stand his weight! It’s hypocritical, but at least it’s honest. He loves my weight, he was attracted to me when I was fat (not this fat, but it was his encouragement that brought me to this level of obesity). But when I was first attracted to him he was fit, muscular. I’ve done what he wanted, why can’t he do what I want?
Certainly, one thing I’d like to get out of a diary is to track how my thoughts, my views, my opinions of the world change over time. I used to ‘believe in Santa Claus’. It would be interesting to look back at how I saw the world then as to how I see the world now.
So how do I stand? Well… I guess I consider myself ‘liberal’, though would never want myself associated with Jean Chretien and his goons. But like most people, my views vary between liberalism and conservatism on any number of issues.
Abortion: I’m for it. Can’t imagine I’d ever want to do it myself, but it sure beats the hell out of having children no one wants living in the world. I’m sure many of them would grow up to be productive people, but without guarantees… seems kinda cruel.
Capital Punishment: I was against it for the longest time. It’s not an effective deterrent, and the costs involved are never less than ‘life imprisonment’. However, I recently read that MORE death row inmates who are innocent have their sentences overturned than ‘lifers’ who are innocent. From that point of view, with all the extra money and attention yielded to people facing the death penalty… it seems that justice is in fact better served! I don’t believe in an eye for an eye or any of that shit, but if more innocent people are freed, how can that be bad?
Cloning: It’s funny, even five years ago, this wasn’t an issue to be seriously discussed! And now every one and their mother are vocally against it. I’m not sure what the big deal is. Most people say ‘it’s wrong’ and kind of leave it at that. Why is it wrong? Because it’s play God? It’s not like 8 million other things we do every day isn’t. Besides, what’s wrong with playing God? It’s not like He simply came into existence, omnipotence and all is it? He had to practice a little. Besides, if we are created in His image… why is it wrong to do what he does?
War on Terrorism: hopefully I can look back on THIS and it won’t be an issue. Terrorism is a cowards way of fighting a losing cause. Gandhi freed one of the largest nations on earth, didn’t level a single skyscraper, pizza parlour or city bus. The American’s gained independence by fighting the English army. Israel was created by international accord to the plight of Jews. There are a lot of ways to get what you want without killing people. The world will be a better place when terrorism is dealt with by unequivocal violence. Fire with Fire. If you’re not going to reason with me, I’m not going to reason with you.
Obesity: Five years ago, I found the idea of being overweight quite… unappealing. If I’d known that I’d ‘blow up’ to 400 pounds, I probably would have killed myself! But like many other lifestyle choices, it has its myths, its advantages and its disadvantages. The key is, I think fat women are attractive, and fat men aren’t. Just the way the fat sits I suppose. For example, I’m generously curvy at about 450 lbs, and Ian is awkwardly bulbous at 337 pounds. I would date someone like me, but if I didn’t already know Ian, I wouldn’t give him the time of day.
Ian: I love Ian, very much. He makes my life interesting, which is the most you can ask from anyone, right? He’s got a wry sense of humour. Sometimes he pushes that too far, but that happens. He’s very bright. He may not know everything, but he’s very good at seeming like he does. I’m always learning from him, my world views are shaped by his world views. We argue a lot, but it’s usually a beneficial, structured debate, we don’t just shout. Of course, the main sticking point these days is his weight gain. I know, I’m still 100 or so pounds bigger than he is, yet I can’t stand his weight! It’s hypocritical, but at least it’s honest. He loves my weight, he was attracted to me when I was fat (not this fat, but it was his encouragement that brought me to this level of obesity). But when I was first attracted to him he was fit, muscular. I’ve done what he wanted, why can’t he do what I want?