Monday, July 30, 2007

Karen and Michael: Teaser

It had seemed so long ago, that fearful day when Karen just couldn't her pants done up. It had been such an awful feeling that day. Even though she'd known she'd been gaining weight, it was a difficult truth to accept, so she'd just denied it, going on as she had been. That one button, that one undeniable truth, hanging open, taunting her, accusing her, forcing her to accept that she was no longer had a lithe dancer's body.

Today Karen was again struggling with a button, though it wasn't fear she felt, it was elation. The stray button was not that of a size 4 pair of capris, but rather that of a size 12 skirt. She had come a long way since meeting Michael. Before meeting him, this would be her greatest nightmare, but thanks to him, life was a dream come true.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Carry On

The issue at work isn't that I can't blog, so much as I'm not being paid to blog. If I chose to work longer, I could use the free time, but since I value my free time as family time, that ain't gonna happen.

I could blog on my breaks, but I like to actually leave my desk during my breaks.

Eventually I'll find a way to get into a good blogging rhythm from home, just not quite yet.

And who knows? Maybe things will change at work...

In the mean time, nothing's really happened to speak of. I haven't even come up with any more great ideas for Matt and Annie yet. (PS, if you like the idea of a guy fattening up a girl, just switch the names and pronouns. I did that for one story once. I'm even considering writing a story in such a way I can create whichever version from a template. I tried it once, it's tough, especially all the pronouns.)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The End?

I've been banned from posting at work. I don't mind posting from home, but really, as of late, the blog really has been about filling a few spare moments at work. I might find the time at home.

I might not.

I hope my blog doesn't fade off.

But, it will slow down. I'm just not as creative in the evenings...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Staying In is the new Going Out

'Global Warming' has got some bad PR. If they'd just called it Crazy Ass Weather, or Nobody Can Predict With Any Certainty What Will Happen Tomorrow people'd be all over it now. The weather this month is just nuts, and it's hard to attribute a cool drizzly day to Global Warming, but the fact that the weather people can't get much right this summer means that the weather has changed.

Not that I'm really here to debate climate theory. I have no expertise besides watching 'An Inconvenient Truth' and reading a few essays that counter it, and then a few essays that counter those essays. I might've read one essay that counters a counter essay, but it's tough to tell, and I don't really care. I just care that the weatherman is wrong often enough that it sucks, but not often enough to assume he's wrong. It's been a crazy summer so far! We haven't done as many of the fairs and such because it's tough to know when the right time to go is.

There also seems to be less this summer, though I think it really peaked a few years ago, I think there was something big every weekend, or maybe I was just a little more on the pulse back then? Either way, we hardly go, and I don't really miss them either.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Matt and Annie - All Dressed Up

Matt finished putting away the last of his groceries when the phone rang. He was a little ticked off with the little ringing devil, going out, shopping, brining everything up and putting it away was a lot of work, he just wanted to sit quietly and have a snack; he didn't really want to talk to anyone. After a few more rings he reluctantly put the chips and dip aside to answer.

It was Annie, her appointment had been cancelled, so she decided to pop over for a visit.
Matt panicked for a moment. He was wearing his sweats, he didn't want her to see him like this, but he didn't have time to find something else that fit and squeeze into it. So, he just grabbed to quick mouthfuls of chips and tidied up as best he could before she came up.

When he opened the door for her Annie's hands were full. In one hand she was balancing a box of Cinnabuns, and the other hand had several shopping bags. Matt quickly took the box of Cinnabuns from her as she came in and threw the bags on the coffee table. "Hope it's not a bad time," she looked around, noticing some dishes still out.

Matt felt self conscious about both his own state of dress, and the dishes that were still out. He'd had a big breakfast and lunch, and just tidied the dished into a pile. His sweats were clean, he had a few pairs he wore now, when he was home alone, or just running errands they were comfy as hell, his work clothes were just too tight to relax in these days, and his jeans had all shrunk in the wash.

"Oh no, I'm not hungry right now," Annie waved off the Cinnabun that Matt didn't even notice he'd put on a plate for her. He sat down with both in front of him. "I was out at the mall, I couldn't resist, they smell so good! I bought them and just thought you'd like them."

That was an understatement, Matt thought as he began eating the second one. Who didn't love these things? He wasn't sure why she'd brought him a box of twelve, but he was pretty sure he was going to eat them all. So much for getting the diet started this week, "What's in the bags?"

"Oh," she had been so focused on watching him enjoy the Cinnabuns that she'd lost track of what she'd come by. "I was out, at the mall, and, I know guys don't like it when their girlfriends dress them and all, but I saw some sales and decided to get you something to wear. I hope you like it." She saw that he was done his treats, "can you try them on for me?"

He took the bags back to his bedroom and took out the first outfit. It did look good, not something he'd pick out, but something he could see himself wearing. He noticed the pants looked pretty big. He took a look at the size. His heart dropped. They were bigger than the clothes he wore. She'd noticed how fat he was getting. He sat on the bed, wondering what to do.
"Are you ready yet?" he heard her call out sweetly.

Matt decided to put them on. When she saw how baggy they were, she'd probably take them back and get something that fit a little better. However, when he was dressed they didn't feel baggy. They did feel oddly loose, but it was a comfortable sort of loose. The belt hung around his waist without pinching in. The shirt draped across his stomach and the buttons weren't pulling tight at all. He looked quickly in the mirror. Even though these clothes were so big, he looked slimmer in them for some reason. He went out to model for Annie.

She applauded as he did his little catwalk presentation for all the clothes.

When he was finished he sat down beside her where two more Cinnabuns were waiting.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

More for Matt and Annie

Matt was taking a quick look in the mirror. He didn't think the clothes looked all that tight. They were new, but he'd bought them a little tight, he was going to lose weight, and it would be a shame to buy new clothes that didn't fit for long.

He adjusted his shirt a little bit when the phone rang. It was Annie! She was downstairs and wanted to come in. He buzzed the door open and scrambled to clean up his dinner dishes before she came up.

"I know I'm early, but I wasn't sure if you'd had dinner, so I just got some McDonald's," Annie was in the door and already unpacking the fast food before Matt even said hi.

He went over to sit next to her. He was going to say that he'd already had dinner, but she'd gone out of her way, and she didn't know. It was sweet of her, really. He laughed a little bit.

"What's the matter Matty?"

"Oh, just they always get the order wrong."

"Oh, I KNOW!" she smiled back at him. "I mean, I only ordered one double big mac, and we got two. What was it last time? Extra fries?"

"Yeah, and a milkshake. I have no idea how they can stay in business at this rate."

"More for us," Annie smiled and patted Matt's stomach. He smiled back and reached for the second Big Mac.

Authour's Note: does this belong here or somewhere else? Or not at all? Let me know. If I hear nothing, I'll assume this is unwanted. I can also start up a separate place for fiction if that helps keep things clearer

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday Weigh In!

Nah, just kidding, the scale's still put away, and while I've got my theories about my weight, I just can't say for certain. I'm pretty sure that Ian and Sherry are tracking his weight still, but he's not sharing with me. And for those looking for news out of Calgary, Amy's been busy with the Stampede, so I don't know.

So, Char, what theories are those? Nothing elaborate, I think I'm bigger by now, quite comfortably into the 500s, if not over 510 by now. It's hard to say for sure, the focus of my life is shifting, I'm doing more, so I'm finding more things that are difficult, which will make me feel bigger. I'm really enjoying life though. Since giving up my focus on gaining, and just on living, I feel like I'm waking up, spreading my wings, etc.

Oh, I've noticed something funny at work: a few departments have formed a 'Weight Watchers' group. They've had a lot of success collectively and individually, I've really noticed the difference. What's funny though, is I swear anyone who didn't join has gained weight. Maybe they only look fatter next to their newly emaciated co-workers. Either way, I'm still bigger than anyone else here, and will be for some time I think.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Matt and Annie

With a final gasp he finally let go. Matt sighed, sitting up in his bed. There was just no way that his jeans were going to button.

He slowly got up and reached for the sweat pants he'd been wearing earlier. He wasn't keen about going on his date with Annie wearing sweatpants, but there wasn't time for anything else. It was just a movie though, he could get away with wearing track pants there.

Matt drove to pick Annie up. Luckily she was already waiting for him, so he didn't have to greet her at the door. He did run around to open the door for her, he was pretty sure she didn't see his pants though. He ran back around the car and got back into the driver's seat. He wiggled around a little bit, lately the seat just didn't feel right. Even though he knew it was because of the weight he'd gained, he rationalised to himself that the seat was just getting worn out.

Annie flashed him her big beautiful smile, and ran her hand up and down his leg. Matt tried to hide a wince, the jig was up. She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek and said that he looked fantastic. Matt spent the whole drive hoping he hadn't blown it with her.

They made their way into the movie theatre, and chose their seats. Matt used to love this theatre, but recently he found that the cupholders built into the arm rests dug into his thighs during the movie. Even sitting down in them was a slow process of squeezing in. Once he was settled Annie went back out to the snack bar. She always got so much food, he couldn't understand how she kept so slender, she was always buying so much food.

Sure enough, she came back with nachos, hot dogs and a jumbo bucket of popcorn for them to share. It was all gone by the end of the movie, Matt somehow believing, as he did on every date when she bought the food, they'd shared it evenly.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Canada Day

Canada Day's come and gone, and while we'd planned to head back to Toronto for the weekend, we stayed in London. We spent the weekend with Sherry and Ken and the kids. We even took the kids to fireworks, but they weren't really ready for it. Next year will be better, I think. The weekend was nice, a little on the cool side, actually, but that's fine by us!

Teresa, thanks for post. I do have some old fiction I've written linked in the sidebar somewhere. Haven't read it myself lately, so hopefully it's still okay. Right now I'm wondering if I should create a new place to post my writing, or just lump it in here somewhere. I've written dozens of story fragments that never mature into anything, but maybe if I started posting them for public ridicule, I might stumble across something worthwhile?

Any thoughts?

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