Thursday, January 15, 2009


I didn't think it had been this long since I posted!

I'm finally getting back into my old routine, which means regular swims, and regular appoinments with the weights. I vaguely recall bragging how much energy I had, and how strong I was getting. Not so much now! I feel kind of like a weakling, considering how well I was doing until the Thanksgiving Derailment!

I don't regret taking a break though. Well, not now, maybe near the end of my workouts... but that's how you know they're working. I had a great fall, I loved putting on some weight, enjoying some good food, and having a happy holidays. It's not just something you say at the check out!

The holidays themselves were crazy busy, of course. Back home to see family and friends. Nothing like my listening to my sister complain her maternity jeans are too tight while we're having our third serving of apple pie ;-)

Amy came for a visit. I wish I could see her more often, but it was still nice to have a chance to cook for her again! I've missed that a lot! For someone on a diet she certainly put away food like the old days.

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