Wednesday, July 24, 2002

White Whale!


Well, Ian has broken 400 pounds. When he started gaining, I had no idea he would get so fat so fast, but I had no idea that I would be feeding him so much either!

Because we have spent so much time getting food in Ian, we haven’t gone out that much. Definitely not to the beach. As such, Ian sort of needs to work on his tan. He’s all white! A while whale, lol. (Like I should talk eh? I’m bigger and just as white… lol)

Now that he’s hit 400 though, maybe we’ll get some bathing suits and actually go to the beach. I can’t wait to slather him up with sunscreen! I’d love to see him gently bobbing on the waves in Lake Simcoe. Wouldn’t that be something? I wonder if I could convince him to get a Speedo… THAT would be hilarious! I don’t know if they make them that large or not. Of course, I have to find a bathing suit that will contain my own fat ass. I’d love to get a bikini, but that’s probably not going to happen.

I’m just picturing Ian laying on his back in the sun. His huge stomach raised to the sky like some sort of marble mountain. Oooh, or lying on his side. When he lies on his side his fat really spreads out. If he’s lying on the couch, his belly spills off the cushions. In bed he does literally fill up one half of our queen size mattress. He can’t even reach his belly button when he’s lying on his side, his gut spreads so far out!

I’d like to go with Jeri. No doubt she’ll find a bikini to strut around in. She’s still not quite skinny, but oh so proud of her body. She’s still got HUGE breasts, and a pudgy middle. Just thinking of her trying to find a bikini that would contain them sounds like a good afternoon’s activity.

Also I think Amanda would have a blast going to the beach, playing and splashing, and building sand castles!

With Ian and me going there, the tide is sure to come in.
Amanda will have a lot of shade to play in.
I can’t believe that together we weigh 843 pounds! That’s HUGE
When we met our combined weight was closer to 500 pounds. In those days I thought THAT was huge!

Oh well. I’ll post more about my White Whale later.

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