Friday, July 12, 2002


Jeri, Amanda and James are moving into a town house, and Jeri’s decided that she wants me to paint a mural in Amanda’s room. Something cutesy, but not too Disney.

I can’t wait! I’ll talk it over with Amanda, of course. But I’m thinking something like an enchanted forest, hills, a castle in the distance. I think she’ll love that, it’s what she likes to paint. Hopefully if I get the tone of it right, she’ll never get tired of it. I’ll see if I can ‘hide’ things in it, that she can discover over time.

I’ve never done something like that, I’ll have to find out how much time these things generally take, what kinds of paints to use etc. If it goes well, I just might put a mural in our apartment! No idea what I’d put up, but maybe an abstract cityscape, or maybe a small French café perhaps?

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