Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Explain this...

Experts tell us that Al Quida (the terrorists respsonible for destroying the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001) has been disrupted by attacks.

They also tell us that Al Quida is responsible for blowing up a night club in Bali, blowing up a hotel, and trying to shoot down an air plane.

Can these statements both be true?

I don't think so.

Which do I feel is true?

Both, and neither. I don't think Al Quida is what people think it is. It's in many ways a bogey man. Any terrorist who has ever talked with a terrorist from Al Quida is automatially linked to that organisation. Not really true... and yet not really untrue. You can kill for a whole plethora of reasons, and blame anyone you want. Al Quida may be involved, but it's 'leaders' aren't leading anything.

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