Thursday, January 02, 2003
That time of year!
It all comes one on top of the other… Christmas, New Year’s, Birthday… bam bam bam. It’s nice that people can birthday shop for me in boxing week, but some people have their birthdays… their special days… out on their own. Not me. Still hung over from New Year’s, I get to get drunk again tonight, lol.
So how was Christmas? Very nice.
Ian got me a diamond necklace. Very very nice.
My family got me some new dishes for my kitchen. Again, very nice!
I got Amanda another art set. She loves painting and drawing, and I love to encourage her to do these things!
I got Ian some art to hang on his walls. They’re original works from our place, I think they go very nicely with his décor, of course, it’s the décor I picked out!
We had Christmas dinner with my family, and then I made boxing day dinner for Ian, Jeri, Amanda and James. The rest of boxing day was just Ian and I, which was very nice. I treated him to a biiig breakfast: pancakes, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls. And then for lunch I made soup and sandwiches, followed by an ice cream sundae!
He’s getting a little chubby though: 440 pounds Christmas day! And then yesterday he weighed in at 442. For the record, I’m 456 (as of Christmas day).
Ian came here for New Year’s. We went to a party at one of Amy’s friends’ place. Lots of fun, just watching TV, playing trivia, drinking.
Ian’s still here, for my birthday, which is very nice!
It all comes one on top of the other… Christmas, New Year’s, Birthday… bam bam bam. It’s nice that people can birthday shop for me in boxing week, but some people have their birthdays… their special days… out on their own. Not me. Still hung over from New Year’s, I get to get drunk again tonight, lol.
So how was Christmas? Very nice.
Ian got me a diamond necklace. Very very nice.
My family got me some new dishes for my kitchen. Again, very nice!
I got Amanda another art set. She loves painting and drawing, and I love to encourage her to do these things!
I got Ian some art to hang on his walls. They’re original works from our place, I think they go very nicely with his décor, of course, it’s the décor I picked out!
We had Christmas dinner with my family, and then I made boxing day dinner for Ian, Jeri, Amanda and James. The rest of boxing day was just Ian and I, which was very nice. I treated him to a biiig breakfast: pancakes, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls. And then for lunch I made soup and sandwiches, followed by an ice cream sundae!
He’s getting a little chubby though: 440 pounds Christmas day! And then yesterday he weighed in at 442. For the record, I’m 456 (as of Christmas day).
Ian came here for New Year’s. We went to a party at one of Amy’s friends’ place. Lots of fun, just watching TV, playing trivia, drinking.
Ian’s still here, for my birthday, which is very nice!