Monday, June 02, 2003

Ian’s now officially fat.

I’ll have to qualify that statement. First, yes, I’m still fat: 415 lbs. And, yes, Ian was indeed fat before the weekend.

But, he now weighs 460 pounds, which is equal to my all time highest weight, which makes him the biggest person I’ve ever known!

So, that’s a goal we’d been working on, and I’m glad to get it over with. Next: 600 pounds! (Ian wants to work on 500 first, where’s the boy’s ambition!?)

Anyway, beside stuffing Ian silly over the weekend it was Jeri’s birthday! She’s now 28 years old, so we’re the same age again, no more old jokes. (It’s okay, Ian’s older than me, so I’m forever young.)

For her birthday I bought her a couple of paintings for her living room. We found a local painter whose stuff I really liked, and Jeri agreed that it matched, so I feel good that we achieved that. I think she enjoyed going art shopping with me.

We also went to get bathing suits, well, one for her, we didn’t look for any for me. The one she wore last season just doesn’t fit her now. It was fun, it’s been a while since I went bathing suit shopping! I’d forgotten all about it. Trying them on, getting the one that showcases what you want, hides what you want, and is comfy. Well, hopefully comfy!

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