Monday, July 07, 2003

London’s a pretty good place!

This weekend they had something called ‘Sunfest’. London doesn’t have tonnes to do, but they’ve actually got some good stuff. Sunfest was just a bunch of tents with people selling stuff from around the world; Guatemalan food, Caribbean dresses etc. It was kinda fun, just walking around, seeing what there was.

There was also some music from different places. Mostly drums, and it’s sometimes hard to tell where it’s from, cultures sometimes end up with the same sound, despite being 1000s of miles apart. Ah well.

I’m getting better about being on my feet for a long while. At the store I’m not always sitting, that stool just ain’t made for my butt. Plus I’m walking more, trying to do it in the evenings when the heat isn’t quite so oppressive. If I plan my route right, I get to stay in the shade most of the time. It helps that there’s less of me to carry about! Someday I’ll graduate to jogging, then maybe even running!

On the gossip side of things, Amy seems to be very happy with Thomas, and I think he finds her very intriguing. I get the feeling that she’s not like anyone he’s ever dated, and I KNOW that he’s not like anyone Amy’s ever dated. It could work out, same sort of think Ian and I have. Except they weigh much less than we do…

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