Wednesday, October 22, 2003


I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet, but I’ve started playing basketball again!

I used to play, I was on the girls team in public school and high school. Being a tall girl guarantees you’re on the team. This had some benefits, some guys liked the idea of athletic girls, so it added to my ‘cool factor’. (Yes, I’m well aware I’m above those things now. But this was then. I was skinny and petty in high school!) It helped keep me fit, taught me about focusing, dealing wit disappointments etc.

In university I played pickup games, but they became rarer and rarer as I started hanging out with non-athletic types. I never liked to WATCH basketball (of course, seeing a bunch of buff guys working up a sweat is different… it’s not the basketball I’m watching), just play it. But, I drifted away from the sport, and I didn’t miss it.

This was also about the time I started gaining weight. By the time I realised I missed playing basketball, I’d gained enough weight that I couldn’t really play it anyway.

Or so I thought.

When I was on a walk this summer, I saw some ‘kids’ playing ball in a school yard. I watched them for a bit, even took a few shots. They thought it was odd that some fat chick would be hanging out, but they were very polite about it.

That would have been the end of it, but Thomas plays basketball with some friends, and asked if I knew anyone who could play. I told him that I used to, but obviously couldn’t. Well, I guess they needed bodies more than talent, so I went out to play with them.

As I’d thought, I’m not exactly the greased lightning I was in my heyday, but it didn’t take long for my shot to come back to me. Passing’s working out okay. It’s just the whole running thing that I can’t quite get.

It was actually kinda weird. I had to get clothes to wear, I actually found a size 30 set of shorts and tank top to wear! My first go I didn’t have a sports bra (that wasn’t an issue the last time I played basketball…), but that mistake was soon remedied! Running is a bit of a new thing now. Obviously I’m not blazing up and down the court, but I’m trying my damndest to move quickly.

I’m by far the worst player out there. But we balance it by putting me with the best players, so it works out okay. I’m getting exercise, I’m having fun. There are a couple other girls, all far better than I am (though if I were skinny assed like them, I could whip them good.)

I do admit, while I’m out there, I’m acutely aware of how huge I have become. This is the one area that makes me regret gaining weight.

Oh, PS, I’ve realised that the ‘comments’ part of my website isn’t working so well. If it doesn’t work for you, email me, or check out the FAQ section. The FAQ actually lets you ask your own questions, which will be added to the list, pretty cool eh? In the mean time, if you know of any decent (free) comments thingy, let me know.

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