Wednesday, February 04, 2004



Well, close, anyway.

Ian hit 490 pounds on the scale this morning. Four hundred and ninety pounds, just ten pounds shy of five hundred.

So why is this a success? After seeing that number come up, we talked a bit about the last couple of weeks where Ian really has gained 10 pounds. He says he feels more alive than he has in a long time, and he’s ready to go past 500 pounds. We’ve talked about him going past 500 before, but he’s never given an unequivocal ‘yes’. He always talked about ‘taking time to enjoy being 500 pounds’. Now he’s on a gaining streak, and he wants to keep it up as long as he can, and I fully intend to keep it going as long as I can.

He gives me credit for helping him along, but I think what’s made the difference is Amy. She’s gotten into a ritual with him where they eat while watching hockey. Ritual eating seems to be working wonders for them, so I’m going to let it go on. I miss spending time with Ian in the evenings, but the effects are well worth the lost time! It may be only 10 pounds, but you can see how it’s changed him more than any other 10 pounds he’s gained.

Last night I went out to the University to play some basketball, again. I can feel myself getting better every week. Sure, a lot has to do with the weight I’m losing (326 pounds!), but I also think that the exercise is doing wonders for my strength and cardiovascular endurance. No one expects anything from me, so when I pull my one move a night, it’s always surprising enough to earn two points! It won’t be long before I have two or three surprises in me in one night.

I’ve started doing sketches for a mural I want to do in our living room. I’m thinking something along the lines of ‘The Creation of Man’, but under the influence of Picasso’s Rose Period. Ideally it will create a sense of grandiose whimsy.

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