Friday, March 05, 2004

Corpulance Celebre

Corpulance Celebre

Last night Amy was over to watch the hockey game with Ian. I figured it’s been a while since I spoiled Ian, so last night I decided to make sure they enjoyed the game.

Dinner was simple enough, I made up a beef stew. I’m not really all that fond of stew, but it was something different, and I know Ian likes surprises. It turned out pretty well, but I’ll definitely try something different next time I do it.

Amy brought over a customary pizza for them to eat during the game. Some days I feel they’re single-handedly keeping Pizza Hut in business. It’s actually kind of funny watching them eat pizza. They both want to eat theirs faster, except they also want to enjoy it too.

With the pizza vanquished, I stepped out to get them a dozen doughnuts to split. They definitely take their time with the doughnuts, but they never last long any way.

To top off the evening I put together some banana splits for them. The game was over before the ice cream was gone, but that’s okay. I rather enjoyed watching them sit on the couch enjoying my concoction.

They still form a contrast, Ian is much much larger than Amy. Except, when she’s not next to Ian, Amy’s becoming quite large. Her face has rounded out a bit, and her double chin is becoming prominent. Her stomach is getting rounder, and it’s spreading out into a full fledged belly.

Ian, of course, remains Ian. With his weight gain slowing down, it’s interesting to get used to him at this size. It’s not like he’s radically different from 450 pounds, or even 400. More of the same, just… bigger.

When he eats, he brings his plate up onto his stomach so he can sit back on the couch. It’s actually funny watching him try to lean forward and reach something on the coffee table, his stomach piles up on his lap, and he can’t lean very far. Mostly he sits up, then rotates and leans to the side. It’s almost the same action he uses for standing up from the couch.

In the last month since his growth spurt he has definitely become accustomed to his new size. His waddle is more controlled, he can shift his weight better when standing up or sitting down, he doesn’t bump into as many things. Of course, that just makes him look all the more majestic. He moves a little bit slower, a little bit more deliberately. He looks like those dramatic, slow motion shots in the movies. Damn majestic, like an iceberg, or an ocean liner.

What’s bigger than those? Are planets majestic?

Just planning ahead for when he reaches 600.

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