Wednesday, August 11, 2004

What a difference a couple of weeks makes.

In July I was down to 259 pounds. In two weeks I gained 7 pounds! It seems married life agrees with me. Or more likely buffets aboard ship do! Curiously, Ian is down 2 pounds. I think the heat and the walking took a lot more out of him than it did me.

I thought about writing about our cruise here, but decided against it. It was just such an incredible experience, if I write it down, I’ll miss part of it, focus on parts, the whole event will become a distorted memory, and that’s not what I want it to be. It was a week for just me and Ian. We’ve never been happier, and that’s that.

Coming home a ‘big’ surprise was Amy. We were only gone a week, but she seemed to have gained a lot of weight in that time. She’s already at the point where ‘a lot’ of weight is hardly noticeable on her, so to gain that much in a week, well, that’s something. Thomas has decided to go on board with the ‘feeding’ thing, and I guess he went all out! The effects certainly show on her.

Last night she was over at our place for dinner though. One of Thomas’s friends had a blow up with his boyfriend, so Thomas offered Amy’s place as a place he could stay. Amy’s a good friend, so she said yes. Of course, having an interloper kind of put the kibosh on her eating. So she was over last night for dinner, and I was certainly more than happy to oblige. It was the first time I’ve gotten to really spend with her since getting married!

I cooked up a huge amount of pasta for them to eat, but it wasn’t enough. I guess I’m a little out of practise, although I’m sure she ate more than I thought she could. Of course, that’s what ice cream is for. We all had a huge ice cream sundae. I’m sure those 7 pounds I gained are here to stay.


THis is Squurp, from the Dimensions website. I jsut recently found your and Ian's weblog. I didn't realize you had moved to London. I know thats not all that far from me - though in a different country. Drop me an email. Maybe we'll have brunch or something - you and your hubby! anyway, good luck in all you do. . .
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