Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Big Visit

Thomas decided last week was the time for Amy to finally come up to the Gallery. She’d never been, I’m not really surprised, she’s never been interested in art. It’s tough for people to properly appreciate art. I think it’s tough for artists to understand THAT. People think we’re misunderstood. Well, you misanthropes are misunderstood by us.

Like anyone else, she was surprised at how impressed she was by the gallery. It’s never what anyone expects, which is almost exactly how a gallery is supposed to be! If you knew what you were going to see, why would you go see it?

Not surprisingly, the piece she loved the most was Scott’s Trans-Am Apocalypse. No one ever expects a car!

It was good to see her again. I miss her, but when I’m in London, I’m spending all my time with Ian. (I certainly don’t think anyone can fault me for that!) It was great to get to go around the gallery with her and Thomas.

She’s definitely getting to be a big girl! She’s a lot more bottom heavy than I was, in fact, her butt may be as big as mine ever was. She’s also getting to the point that I was at: she’s really slowing down, walking around the museum for a couple days really took it out of her. She seemed to be taking it okay, we’ll see how she feels in a couple months.

I didn’t really get to cook for her like I wanted to, we ended up eating out the whole time. It would’ve been nice to sit down and just eat with her, but we had fun. Friday night we did pretty good just hanging out and munching away. I just want to enjoy EATING with her, now that she really understands, and I’m back appreciating too. We just never seemed to be on the right wavelength at the right time.

I was suprised how understanding you are toward people who under-appreciate art! As an architect, I find myself somewhere between the two and often run into artists who are self-labelled as "misunderstood." I guess I just wanted to comment on how realistic your view is on the dissonance between the two parties.

BTW, I do hope you and Amy can find more time to spend QT together, especially since you are both seem to be enjoying eating and gaining right now!

Thanks for all the great posts, its a very interesting blog, and I'm sure it *will make a good basis for an autobiography someday!
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