Thursday, July 21, 2005

Half an Update

I'm not sure which is harder to believe, that I was once 110 pounds, or that Ian was once 200 pounds.

I still sometimes have vivid dreams where I'm 110 pounds. I sort of freak out when I wake up because my brain and reality are at odds. Sometimes, I'm freaked out because in my dream I'm skinny, and I wake up scared that I really AM skinny. Sometimes I'm freaked out because when I wake up, I still think I'm skinny and my body feels like a heavy blob.

Ian at 560 pounds is simply massive. He's like nothing I've beholden before. He's a full 100 pounds bigger than I ever was. It's changed everything about him. His personality hasn't changed completely, but his lifestyle certainly has affected his attitudes and certainly has narrowed some parts of his personality and opened up other parts. His body has changed, of course. His face has changed; he's not unrecognisable, but more a 'familiar face' than 'definitely the Ian of yore'. He was always broad-shouldered, but now he's broad everythinged. I do love how his hips have really spread out with these last few pounds.

I wanted to write more, but now I forget...


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