Monday, July 18, 2005

Monday Monday

Over the weekend Ian convinced me that we should replace his Neon with the Nissan Murano. It seems like a nice enough car/truck/whatever it is. It's easy to get in and out of, there's plenty of room for us, and for all the stuff we'll need to put in it. It's well appointed, it's comfortable, and it's got a nice look to it.

In other news, everything's cooking nicely with the baby. My ob/gyn isn't so impressed by my weight, but so far so good. He's worried that I'll develop diabetes, which makes things complicated. But, so far my tests have been fine. He wants me to keep out of the sun too, because of my fair skin and how hot it is this summer.

Ian's still 560 pounds, but he's been busy car shopping, and I've been busy with the various festivals going on (I've given Michelle a hand on logistics. Not the sitting in the sun for 8 hours thing though!), so I can forgive him for that. When we are together, he's eating as much as he can, and that's all I ask.

My own weight is a nice round 333 pounds. I kind of like how that looks, maybe once this is done, I'll aim for getting to 333 instead of 280. Sure, 280 feels better, but saying I'm 333 pounds is fun! I guess I can just lie about my weight. I wouldn't be the only woman on the planet doing that. I won't be 333 by this week's weigh in either, so I need to enjoy it while it lasts.

Overall, I'm loving the whole pregnancy thing. In some ways, it's exactly what I expected, at the same time, it's not what I was expecting at all. I've got those wonderful hormones pumping through my system, and I can feel them changing just about everything, I love that feeling. At the same time, I'm surprised by the changes, and periodically terrified by things I do and feel. It's like I'm totally aware of what I'm doing isn't 'me', and yet I go right on ahead with it. So far, nothing particularly wrong, but I still wonder if there's a critical decision that's going to let me seriously fuck up. Whenever I think like that for too long, I can usually eat my way out of it. Of course, I don't have to feel that way to feel the urge to eat. In fact, I'm not sure there's anything I can do that curtails my urge to eat. Even now, I'm starving.

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