Monday, January 09, 2006

The Weekend

Saturday Amy came over to watch hockey and eat with Ian. What's so special about that? It's a sort of 'return to normal' for us. It's the first time that Amy's come over to just eat, like she used to, so it's proof we're still the same people we were before. As 'usual', they went through doughnuts, pizzas, McDonald's, chips, ice cream and various snacks.

Amy's also surpassed the capacity of the scale we got her a couple years ago, so she came over to weigh herself on Ian's green monster. She's up to 441 pounds, and aiming to surpass my own superfat days of 460 pounds. I still remember being superfat, and didn't really enjoy it as much as she is. I'm happy for her, and more than a little jealous. There were parts of being 460 that I miss, and some days I wish I could be 460 again. In the long run though, I still want to be 280.

Part of her advantage is how she's carrying her weight. Without her butt, she's maybe 360, 370 pounds. Weight on butt is easier to carry than the weight I had on my belly. Maybe if I was fat like her, I'd still be fat.

She does have a great body. She serves as a counter point to Ian really. Where he's a possessor of an enormous belly, her own belly is relatively small. Where she's got a butt that's impossible to miss, Ian's easily vanishes compared to the rest of him. The funny thing is, Ian's ass really is quite large, just that his belly completely overwhelms it. Similarly, Amy's tummy has become quite rotund, probably bigger than my own, but it's just not her overwhelming feature.

She has handled the changes to her body very well. I think that she's been so receptive to the changes has helped a lot. I also believe that Thomas's encouragement goes a long way to helping her adapt quickly. I really did notice the changes on Saturday too.

Even though I've certainly seen plenty of her lately, it's the first time I've really checked her out in a few months. At 441 pounds, she's certainly quite large. Even though she's not Ian's size, she takes up as much space sitting down as he does, thanks to her generous rear. Her appetite is as big as ever. I'm not sure she nor Ian ever really stopped eating on Saturday. They've both learned to pace themselves I guess. She was full though, as awkward as she was showing up at our place, she was twice as much when she had to get up to leave. Her waddle has changed to accommodate her weight. It's not radically different, and probably only people who are looking at it would notice. She still has tremendous side to side motion as her legs move to clear each other. The fat of her rear moves very fluidly when she lifts her foot, and then bounces very solidly when she plants her foot. Her back sways with the side to side motion, and ripples with the impact of her steps. Her arms have gotten quite large two, and they have a nice wobble that seems to move to their own rhythm. Her arms swing pretty far from her body to keep balance as much as they can. From the front, her cheeks and double chin jiggle with each step. Her breasts and burgeoning belly sway back and forth like pendulums.

Ian is a tad disappointed that she reached 440 pounds so quickly. He had been trying to reach 600 pounds (and the limits of the green monster) before she reached the limits of her scale. He didn't really believe he could do it, but we were trying anyway. 591 pounds is still impressive though. He's getting closer to his limit, I think. Even though he doesn't really notice it, the effort he's going through to accommodate his weight is catching up to him. It takes him forever to get up. It takes him forever to get dressed. It takes him forever to get anywhere. It takes him forever to just about anything but eat, and even then, it takes him forever to get 'full'. I don't really mind that he's become extremely slow. I gained an infinite amount of patience as I gained weight. I just realise that as he gets bigger, he's going to continue to get slower, and there is a limit to how slow he can be. Hopefully it's far enough past 600 pounds that we'll never know.

Finally, at 2:32 my sex-drive came back. Poor Ian. He's been going without since the fall, and suddenly he's got more than he can handle. I almost feel sorry for him.


To anyone out there who is worried that kids will disrupt your sex life, I've got a few things to tell you. First of all, when your sex drive dries up, it gives you more time to do other things. You don't miss it at all (that's what it means when you have no sex drive!). Second, when it comes back, it creates the best sex you've ever had. Period. I've had sex in a variety of situations, and I have to say, it's never, ever been better.

I'm still feeling it.

And I'm ready for more.

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