Friday, August 11, 2006

Fatter and Fatter and Fatter she Goes... fat she'll get? Nobody knows!

Ian's down to 555 pounds, I'm up to 428 pounds. Even though he's still far larger than me by mass or BMI, our lives almost feel like the position is reversed. Ian's got the energy, the drive, the passion. I'm sitting on the couch stuffing my face. Even as I write this, it certainly doesn't convey that I'm enjoying it. This was the dynamic when we first fell in love, and it's been far too long since life has been this way.

Life is more complicated now than when we were first living together, but going back to those days makes me feel comfortable, makes me more able to deal with the complications, to make me secure in the decisions that I'm making on a daily basis.

It won't last forever, nothing does, especially for me. This might well be the first time I've gone back to something, and it's very nice.

I just might try to revisit 460 pounds ;-)

Sounds awesome! I hope you get to have more fun with your visit to 460 pounds this time!
hmmmm...check out my blog might find it very very interesting...:):):):
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