Friday, August 04, 2006

Weight Unleashed

Weight without the baby... weight without the baby. That IS a good one.

Actually, redocorating would be perfect except for a few things:
1. 'Redecorating' these days means moving objects higher and higher out of reach. Paul will rue having tall parents
2. We're still toying with the idea of getting a house. We don't want to put forth too much effort to have it undone.

I have floated the idea by Sherry though. She's trying to convince her husband to let us do it. We'll see.

So, back to something I can write about: weight without the baby.

The most I have ever weighed was around 460 pounds. As of today, I'm a mere 427 pounds. The last time I was 460 pounds was before the baby was born, even before the baby was conceived.

In fact, I'd managed to lose 200 pounds in anticipation of becoming pregnant. There were other reasons, due to comfort, due to focusing on my husband's own gain and the increased levels of activity that I wasn't capable of at 460 pounds.

While pregnant i did regain 80 pounds or so though.

And since then another 40 or so.

So, if we simply add any weight I've gained since before 460 I'd be approximately 580 (hey, bigger than Ian!). And if we assume I'd have gained 200 pounds instead of losing 200, then we could put my hypothetical weight at 780 pounds (that's bigger than Ian even dreamed!).

I don't think that's a reasonable estimate, and yet, it's not altogether impossible either, is it? I could be 780 pounds today, instead of my svelte 427.

So let's pretend. I like to play pretend. Let's pretend that I am 780 pounds. There's two questions that immediately spring to mind: how did I get so fat, and what's my daily life like?

Or we could take a more realistic approach: 460 pounds didn't suit me well. I was losing weight anyway. I wanted to get a little more out of life than 460 was letting me. I was focusing on Ian's gain more than my own loss, but they really did go well together. I'm not sure I'd have stayed at 280 or not, but I'm not sure I'd have gotten much past 300, maybe 350.

On the other hand, Ian started losing weight because of the baby. Also, his weight gain did slow down as we were preparing for the baby, and I wasn't as capable of taking care of him as I had been. Ian's weight would remain far above 600 pounds. While he wouldn't have reached 780 pounds quite yet, there is a possibility of him doing so.

So, wait, are those questions about being 580 or 780 for you or for us to answer? They seem like fun ones to think about tho! hehe...

I've only gained up to 400 pounds, so I figure you'd be more qualified to answer than me!
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