Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another week, another couple of pounds!

I still wish I'd kept a weight gain diary when I first started gaining weight, as excited as I am about gaining 2 pounds, it's not all that much to write about. 440 is a pretty good milestone number, anything ending with 0 is, but 2 pounds is a small gain for me these days.

In the greater scheme of things, I really am enjoying my gain. My belly is bigger than ever! It's bigger now than when I was 460 pounds, it's bigger than when I was pregnant. Of course, when I was pregnant I was merely 370 pounds. It does make me sort of feel like I'm pregnant. It's not the same thing, the hormones aren't nearly as whacky, and there's a lot less general discomfort, but I really waddle around like I'm a preggo, with my belly leading the way.

In the past I've been jealous of Amy's body, being much wider than mine, while she was jealous of my belly. While I'm still eager to try her body, I'm really enjoying my belly the bigger it gets. When I was pregnant, I enjoyed seeing it stretch out, and now, well, I'm dying to see how big it's going to get. I'll never have anything like Ian's former belly, but it's doing pretty good so far.

Speaking of Ian's belly, it's getting a lot jigglier these days. Since he's been losing weight, the fat isn't packed in as tight, so even though he's not as fat, he seems fatter. And since he's got more energy, there's a bounce to his step. I flabby belly, a bounce step = super jiggles! I never thought I'd see him get jigglier as he lost weight, so this is an added bonus. His belly is still bigger than mine, but they're becoming much more comparable in size.

Me: 440
Ian: 533
Difference: 93 pounds

In the past eight years, you have had two gaining periods - one of 350 pounds, and (currently) one of 181 pounds ('course, there was that little weight loss period in the middle). That's a total of 531 pounds. By your next weigh-in, you will have gained more than Ian weighs!
You've put a little thought into this. Have you found anything else interesting?

I've love to know!
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