Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fall of Changes

Changes is a topic I enjoy. People are famous for not liking change, and that's sort of true. People do like certain changes, although perhaps that's because they're rhythmic changes. People love the change of seasons, they love the first snow fall, the first day you can wear shorts, the first leaves appearing on the trees and the leaves changing colours in the fall. Of all the change of seasons, fall is by far the best. All the other seasons are monochromatic, but fall, that's where it all comes alive. Blue skies, green grass, and leaves of every other colour. You can go to the park and pick out the different colours, you can drive the countryside, watching as stands of trees form rainbows over time.

Fall is just a natural change that people expect and crave. Our bodies respond to the fall too. It's the harvest season, it's time to eat! It's no coincidence that all the good holidays come with when food is naturally plentiful, when the body wants to bulk up for the winter. This is the time of year when food is king, and everyone can indulge a little. Food is at work (for those of you who work... ha ha), food is at home, food is everywhere. It's the time of year when our skinny brethren look upon us with a secret admiring, with a secret smile, knowing that it's okay if they eat like us, just for a little bit.

As for my own fall changes, there are some pretty big ones. This fall I'll be going back to work. Paul will be starting day care. Paul will learn to do so many things, really, I look forward to his changes daily. I'm just hoping that he's okay with a change of scenery! He seems to be pretty good at it, but I do wonder if I just want him to deal with it okay. Ian will continue to change, he'll be losing weight and getting fitter. Finally, I'll be gaining weight, and getting fatter.

It's really tough to say which changes I'm looking forward to the most. I'm not eager to get back to work, but I am eager to be in the company of more adults. I'm not too excited to let Paul be someone else's responsibility on a daily basis, but I'm excited that he'll have a host of new experiences. I will miss Ian's fat, but I'm enjoying his newfound vigour. Finally, I'm scared that I'm going to gain enough weight that I'm not happy with my body again, but I'm looking forward to experiencing a body that I've never had before.

I don't know if the changes will bring happiness or sorrow. I'm sure there will be a mixture of both, and genuinely believe that they will create more happiness than sorrow. If I didn't believe that, I'd stop them right now! Everything is going to be different, and that's how I like it.

Congrats on hitting that 200 kilo mark again
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