Friday, September 15, 2006

Gaining Perspective

Gaining weight is a very unusual process. Everyone gains weight, and it's how different people deal with it differently is what makes it unusual, or perhaps unique. Certainly those of us who embrace their weight gain are unusual.

Through my years I've talked about weight gain with a surprisingly broad spectrum of people, and every one that I speak with has a unique perspective that I've enjoyed learning about. There are so many facets of weight gain, the food, the physical changes, the social aspects, numerous logistical aspects, psychological impacts, and everybody sees their own mixture of what's important, what's fun, and what gets in the way.

My own fascination has changed focus over the years. Food is still central to the whole experience. I love to cook, I love to prepare meals that are as tempting as possible, whether to myself, Ian, Amy or other friends and family. I would keep cooking and eating like this if I never gained an ounce. There are times over my weight associated history that the gain itself was the goal, with the food being a happy benefit. I looked forward to waking up with a 'new' body as often as I could, and then spending the day marvelling how even the most minute change can affect everything, if you think about it hard enough. (To be honest, this applied to both gaining and losing weight.) Lately I've been enjoying the sensations of pushing my capacity: getting as full as I can! While this has been fun before, it's different now, and it does seem to be my priority. I'm still loving the food, I'm still enjoying all the changes that each pound brings, but sitting there stuffed to the gills is heavenly.

I've been explaining all of this to Sherry, for someone who's not interested in weight gain, she does seem to be very interested in weight gain! She certainly finds a lot of things pretty repulsive. I don't blame her, while I've gotten to understand and appreciate everyone's views, I do remember when some seemed pretty repulsive to me too. She'll learn, everyone's different, everyone has their own view. I've told her that there are people who would be repulsed by her bony body.

Hi ..just a quick comment...Guess I'm at the same point in my gaining as you right now..I seem to want to be stuffed every chance I get..been yoyo dieting for quite a while now..up 30 down 40 up 40 down 20..never consistent..well this past cycle I've found myself enjoying being totally stuffed so the gain this time around is a bit faster. I'm afraid that this time enjoying it as much as I do I'll go way past my usual 40 to 50 lb
Hi Char
I guess Sherry sees this also in a professional context in that in her training there might have been discussions of reasons for for "patient noncompliance" with a prescribed regimen and one of them might have been that there actually people out there who want to get fat. The other intellectual exercise for her might be given that you want to get fatter what nutritional regimen might she prescrbe that would achieve that goal with the minimum of health risk, given that poor health would derail the fattening process
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