Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Update Update


Ian continues his hard work at the gym and excellent dietary habits. He's down to 482 pounds, which means he's lost about 120 pounds now. It's been a lot of work for him, I wasn't sure he'd stick with it like this, but it's routine now, and as a parent, I know how easy life can be when you've got your routine down. He still eats plenty, his body requires a lot of calories just to operate, but it's sensible sizes, more of a daily grazing. He eats a lot of fruit and veggies and just stays away from sugary snacks. He keeps his meals down to one serving as well. Cutting out the 'treats' and keeping meals reasonably sized is what I thought he'd have the most trouble with. He says that watching me indulge is far more enjoyable to him than indulging himself ever was.


This is Amy's time of year. The RSP deadline is tonight, so she's helping as many people get a handle on their taxes as possible. In addition to that, she's been looking to buy a house because 'the apartment is tighter than most of her clothes'. With all the walking she's had to do, and all the stress she figures it's a miracle she's still 511 pounds. She credits Thomas's superheroic attention to her appetite; he's keeping her well fed both at home and at work. She may have found a place to live, by the way. She's waiting until taxes clear up a little before going through everything though. It's a nice little place, she says there's 4 levels, but only a few stairs between each one. Thomas loves it being a very open design.


I haven't actually seen Alex since Amy moved out west. Haven't even talked with him. With the Oscars last week I did think about him and Michel. They're always up for a good party, and the Oscars is their superbowl. I missed the Oscars because, well, I don't care any more. It's fun when it's social, but it's just painful to sit and watch. I only mention Alex because I remember people asked about him. Sorry, I have nothing to add.

Char aka, me.

I have become a wee bit chubby as of late. Like 480 pounds of chubby. I'm only 2 pounds away from surpassing Ian, which has been my goal for a LONG time now! We're both pretty excited to be getting to this point, it really felt like it would never happen, even though we both knew it was inevitable.

Being 480 pounds is far different from being 400 pounds. When I was 400 pounds I was big, yeah, but sometimes I could kind of forget about it. There were times I didn't feel fat at all and would almost be surprised when forced to realise I was (say, getting up after sitting for a couple of hours). At 480, and growing, it's much harder to forget how big I am. One of the things I've always loved about having a fat body is how in tune with it you become. At 480, it really has bumped up to another level. I'm still in tune, but the volume has been pumped up. Just sitting here typing I can feel everything moving as I breath, I can feel the impacts from my fingers on the keyboard jiggle throughout my body. Everything is touching something, I can feel my legs together, my arms and my sides, my belly on my lap, my clothing stretching across my back. There's just so much of me, and it's all speaking to me at once, it's a symphony, and I love it, and until you've experienced it, you just can't understand.

Once I've surpassed Ian, I'll continue gaining until I reach 500 pounds. I feel like I could keep going, maybe even make an attempt to reach 600 like Ian did. But, there are other priorities at work, and I think 500 pounds will be triumph of my gaining career.

Still, a lot can happen in 20 pounds.

Good to hear you new size is feeling good for you Thanks for the update on Amy, and Alex and Michael, been awhile since you mentioned them...Oscar night was always an event you and Ian looked forward to. You haven't talked about movies for quite awhile. Are you going to make us wait till you hit 500? Being in the 500 lb. club will be quite an achievement. Always enjoy your blog tell Amy we miss her.
Hi Charlotte

Your continued gain towards 500 sounds wonderful and the growing awareness that you are fatter is really interesting and very nice to read. I hope the next 20 lbs goes well and quickly for you :)
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