Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fatty fat fat

In the span of two weeks I’ve gone from being the skinny person in the house hold to being a full 11 pounds heavier than Ian! We’ve been celebrating food so much this week, I’ve managed to gain four glorious pounds. I’m up to a massive 486 pounds, Ian’s down to a svelte 475.

The weight is suiting me very well, as I’ve already mentioned. I’m feeling heavier now, but it feels good, solid, sensual. While it doesn’t really do the feeling justice, the best word for the feeling I have now is: existence. I feel like I exist. Like I REALLY exist, life is there, solid, tangible. I am alive, I exist.


Your 486 lbs of beauty sounds just devine and I am very envious of Ian!

It must be so sensual as you say to feel the new pounds as they are gained. I only wish I could see pictures of you. :)

I was just thinking of a question to ask you. Do you find there is a difference between being big/heavy when pregnant as opposed to just being big/heavy? I am quite heavy with this pregnancy. I am 8 months now and I wonder if this experience is comparable to gaining. But I find, I have so much pelvic pain that I can barely walk and I have indigestion all the time with my stomach feeling like it is in my throat. I can't roll over in bed. My back and neck are so sore. Is this all just pregnancy related or do you feel these things when you gain a lot? I am just curious as I was wondering if gaining is more pleasurable with less of the negative side effects (such as indigestion) compared to gaining with pregnancy? This pregnancy gain has been interesting, I agree with you as to being in tune with your body, the pain in your lower back, a little body kicking you and turning inside you, a definately great experience despite the negative side effects yet I will be happy to deliver and not have this experience anymore and be able to walk again. I was just curious as you have done both as to what you thought the comparison was.

Thanks for your thoughts and response.
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