Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The Big Day approaches, it's quite exciting, not knowing exactly when I'll become a Big Girl. Most things in life have definate dates, birthdays, graduations, vacations, weddings. But some of the best things don't work on a schedule, don't adhere to a deadline. Shakespeare's plays were written until they were done. Michelangelo's sculptures waited in the marble until he could free them. My weight will hit 500 pounds when I'm ready for it. Although, I suppose I'll get to 500 ready or not.
How does one prepare for being 500 pounds? I haven't done anything, just making the effort to actually attain it. I don't really believe life will be different with another 5 pounds. My life will be different for a multitude of reasons, but 5 pounds aren't going to make such a big difference that I have to prepare, will they?
I'm not sure that makes sense. I know what I mean though, and I suspect you do too. I'm just so damned excited, it really is tough to focus. I'm going to be FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS. I'm going to be BIG. I'm going to be so Big.
You implied you now weigh 495, which means you've hit a couple of statistical milestones:
1. Assuming Ian coasted up over 600 pounds between the time he obtained that weight and started to curb his eating (I'm guessing he got up to about 605), you have now enlarged yourself by the same amount: 385 pounds!
2. You are now Char 4.5 - you weigh 4.5 times what you did in your pre-indulgent days. That's more than half a skinny Char per year!
Enjoy the next five!
I'm somewhat saddened by the nature of your comments as you approach 500. As you point out, the 5 pounds is a mere nothing in the overall scheme of things and you won't look or feel any different physically. So, for all practical purposes, you've reached your goal.
Thus, the only thing that you still have to experience is actually reaching your goal. In many ways you seem more anxious to reach the mark, get over the hump and start losing weight again. I wonder if the weight in recent weeks and pounds has started to get oppressive or if you've lost your interest in the process or the results of the weight gain, ready to move on to new challenges. You've always in the past resisted posting a new photograph of yourself, but I wonder if you'd reconsider and post one of you at your goal weight. Much in the way we have the iconic pic of Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay planting the flag on the peak of Mt. Everest, it would be good to visualize you at your own peak.
It is always interesting to hear of the updates of Amy, though it sounds like her weight gaining activities have slowed to a crawl. Any chances that she will return to blogging?
On the other hand Alex seems to be continuing to gain with unbridled speed. Such rapid weight gain certainly puts a huge strain on one's body and I wonder if he can long continue what he's doing without having significant medical issues and approaching immobility.
Anyhow, still following your blog with interest.
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