Monday, July 30, 2007
Karen and Michael: Teaser
It had seemed so long ago, that fearful day when Karen just couldn't her pants done up. It had been such an awful feeling that day. Even though she'd known she'd been gaining weight, it was a difficult truth to accept, so she'd just denied it, going on as she had been. That one button, that one undeniable truth, hanging open, taunting her, accusing her, forcing her to accept that she was no longer had a lithe dancer's body.
Today Karen was again struggling with a button, though it wasn't fear she felt, it was elation. The stray button was not that of a size 4 pair of capris, but rather that of a size 12 skirt. She had come a long way since meeting Michael. Before meeting him, this would be her greatest nightmare, but thanks to him, life was a dream come true.
Labels: FA, feeder, fiction, Karen, Michael, weight gain