Thursday, December 06, 2007

Byline: The Fat Life - Week 5

Whenever I've met up with people lately, they always say, "there's something different about you." I always wait a moment for them to ask, and they always say, "you look fantastic, you look so happy." A few ask my secret, a few even ask if I'm in love.

I confess, I am in love. I'm in love with chocolate, and chocolate has finally reciprocated! Now that it's no longer a sinful secret, I've indulged years' worth of pent up desires, and the affair will rage for a long time yet.

No one has commented on my weight. Of course, many of my acquaintances read this newspaper, so they are aware of my current lifestyle choices. Are they just being polite? There are some I'm sure who aren't aware though. Are they still being polite? I've never asked someone if they're gaining weight, no matter how obvious it was. Was I able to lie so convincingly? Am I just hearing what I wish to hear?

My eating habits have changed. A quick inspection of fridge (and the wrappers in my garbage) show that calorie counting is alive and well, if one order of magnitude greater than before. I eat a lot more now before feeling full, and find myself looking for something to snack on when I'm not even remotely hungry, just bored. In fact, if I'm sitting, I'm probably eating. If I'm not, I feel like I'm missing something.

I am still getting all my nutrition, it's not all pizza and Oreos. I'm eating veggies, with dip. Okay, maybe dip with veggies, but it still counts. I'm having salads, just with more dressing, and maybe with more bacon. I do still hit the fast food places, I still order late night pizza, but the fruit bowl is a source of snacks, and a bag of mixed nuts is as likely to follow me around as a bag of chips.

My weight has crossed 140 pounds. That's a bit of a big number, and I was a little worried about it. 139 is chubby, but 140 is fat. I'm not speaking scientifically, but just in terms of self perception. Crossing 140 was a big deal. I was so worked up, I went off and had some chocolate to calm myself. Oh ironies of life, to get over reaching 140, I managed to eat my way to 142.

142 isn't so bad though. 140 is fat, but 142 is just a number. 150 is what worries me though.

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