Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Past 500. Again. For the Last Time. Probably.

I'm back to 499 pounds, with any luck that's the last time I'll be crossing 500 pounds for a while. If not I won't be too broken up about it, but all the same, I'd like to get to 280 as fast as I can, and have another baby or two.

Then I can think about 500 pounds again.

It's been a bit of a weird week. Sherry has been told she needs to lose weight for work. She's become quite buff, and I guess there's concern that she might be intimidating clients a little bit. They'd like her to be a little leaner, a little softer. She's not so happy about it, and it just seems weird to me. She works at a gym, surely being superfit is a good thing? It's not like she looks like me or anything.

On the other hand, between the two of us, who are you going to trust for food more?

Ian continues to whittle off his weight. He's now at 369, the lowest he's been in years. The changes aren't all that drastic, but he's feeling better than ever he says, which is something since he's been busy with work.

I've been busy at work too, end of the year means the start of taxes, and people never seem to quite learn that they a) come every year b) are pretty much the same as last year c) you don't have to wait until the last minute to do things. Oh, they also forget that I don't set tax policy, and being sworn at doesn't really make things any easier for anyone.

I know if you're reading this you're probably interested in Amy's weight too. I'm okay with that. I have to report she has been losing weight for details that are best left offline. Suffice it to say that stress kills her appetite these days.

I know my story output has dropped off significantly. I've tried writing some new chapters, I've tried starting some new stories, and can't quite get something I'm interested in writing a complete story (i.e., beginning, middle, end) out of. I've got bits of beginnings, middles and ends, but can't seem to string the whole thing together.

Weight gain stories are fundamentally shallow, and if I want to keep it realistic, there's only so many reasons people will gain weight in such a way as to make a fun story.

I could certainly explore stories that aren't so happy, but I'm not sure there's much of a market for that (even if they are 'free', lol).

I could always go off into more fantastical fiction. It would certainly allow some interesting things to develop.

Or maybe it's time to just ask for suggestions, seed the garden of imagination, so to speak.

Hmmmmm Suggestions.... well what about milestones ie first noticed belly getting in the way, 1st time belly touched top of thigh, first time it was hard or needed help up off the couch or up out of the car, first time belly rubbed steering wheel touched the floor when on all fours looking for shoes etc.first noticed a slight waddle, door ways and bath rooms getting smaller, feeling big and powerful, against smaller and weaker women. the new found sex appeal and attention from men for the fuller bodied curvey women with boobs, hips, BUTT and thicker thighs. thoughts about how that is different from what the media says is sexy and what men want vs what men really want in a women. daily life changes accomendations as you get bigger heavier
I'm so sorry to hear that about Amy! I hope she and Thomas can work out their troubles.

As for story suggestions, bear in mind that I'm coming at this from a female point of view, but I would disagree with "anonymous" above in his line "feeling big and powerful against smaller and weaker women." For me, it's just the opposite. Getting fat is about becoming a helpless blob, not a warrior queen. The allure of being a big girl is that I'm the weaker one, be it against some female rival or male suitor. I'm pretty big indeed, and I take a lot of erotic glee in having to catch my breath after so little exertion, and in being so utterly limited in my movements. I like the sweating, the being out of shape, the high blood pressure, and the general physical decay. A blanket (or ten) of body fat is a little bit like BDSM, except more intimate than leather and, hopefully, less hackneyed.
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