Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Byline: The Fat Life - Week 14
No, it wasn't an earthquake you felt, it was just me going for a walk at 167 pounds. Luckily for all you amateur seismologists, I rarely walk further than the fridge these days.
I may have only gained 11 pounds in the last month, but it feels like more. Before I was soft and jiggly, but now I'm entering the realm of flabby and sagging. Everything that has grown bigger has now started to move down. My belly hangs over my waistband. My boobs overflow my bra, or rest atop my belly when I set them free. My bum is becoming tremendously wide, and it frequently bumps into things, such as doorways, tables, shelves and even strangers I was sure I wasn't any where near.
Getting my body to move is becoming an act of will. I think twice before standing up now, and make sure I REALLY need to get what I'm getting up for. It's a bit of a balancing act to stand, making sure my weight is over my feet before letting go with my hands.
There are other little challenges that are creeping up in my fat life: reaching for things is harder. For example, if I want the cookies in the top cupboard, I have to stand further from the counter, because my belly will rest on it and get in my way. Also, to reach the top cupboard means getting up on my tip toes. I've discovered that it's hard to get 167 up on tip toes, it's impossible to stay there for more than a moment and it wears you out very quickly. As of this writing the cookies are on the counter, and anything remaining in the top cupboard is considered lost.
I can finally feel people's attitudes towards me changing as I move from voluptuous to full figured. Before I would get attention for my chest, but now people seem to be noticing the general bulginess I present. Where I was getting curious looks before, they're starting to turn disapproving. Certainly no one says anything, and they don't do anything explicit, but they're a step slower helping, more than willing to let me wait an extra moment or two for some attention.
I know that to any reasonable eye, I'm not really all that fat yet, but I'm really starting to feel like it. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm going to the beach next, so you'll know when the tide is coming in.
I may have only gained 11 pounds in the last month, but it feels like more. Before I was soft and jiggly, but now I'm entering the realm of flabby and sagging. Everything that has grown bigger has now started to move down. My belly hangs over my waistband. My boobs overflow my bra, or rest atop my belly when I set them free. My bum is becoming tremendously wide, and it frequently bumps into things, such as doorways, tables, shelves and even strangers I was sure I wasn't any where near.
Getting my body to move is becoming an act of will. I think twice before standing up now, and make sure I REALLY need to get what I'm getting up for. It's a bit of a balancing act to stand, making sure my weight is over my feet before letting go with my hands.
There are other little challenges that are creeping up in my fat life: reaching for things is harder. For example, if I want the cookies in the top cupboard, I have to stand further from the counter, because my belly will rest on it and get in my way. Also, to reach the top cupboard means getting up on my tip toes. I've discovered that it's hard to get 167 up on tip toes, it's impossible to stay there for more than a moment and it wears you out very quickly. As of this writing the cookies are on the counter, and anything remaining in the top cupboard is considered lost.
I can finally feel people's attitudes towards me changing as I move from voluptuous to full figured. Before I would get attention for my chest, but now people seem to be noticing the general bulginess I present. Where I was getting curious looks before, they're starting to turn disapproving. Certainly no one says anything, and they don't do anything explicit, but they're a step slower helping, more than willing to let me wait an extra moment or two for some attention.
I know that to any reasonable eye, I'm not really all that fat yet, but I'm really starting to feel like it. I'll be sure to let you know when I'm going to the beach next, so you'll know when the tide is coming in.
Labels: byline, FA, fiction, weight gain
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I just checked the archives on this one...I see she set a goal weight of 186 or so which means she's most of the way there.Will be interesting to see what happens when she gets there!
A balancing act to stand and can't reach the top cupboard when she's 5'6'' at only 167 pounds? Are you sure you've got that right? That's only a little overweight. I'm the same height and 10 pounds less (which is not that much, really) and it takes no effort to run up stairs, rollerskate, swim, run, etc etc.
- Kate
- Kate
PS You have to bear in mind that fitness, not just weight, makes a difference to whether you can do these things. 14 weeks of being sedentary is not really enough time for the character to lose all her fitness, especially since she was a regular exercise before.
- Kate
- Kate
Dramatic liscense.
Impatience in the authour to have SOMETHING happen in the story.
Always helps to keep me honest though, thanks.
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Impatience in the authour to have SOMETHING happen in the story.
Always helps to keep me honest though, thanks.
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