Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Down to 400

Ian is down to 400 pounds! He's been working so hard, and he really has been looking forward to this for a while now. He's looking absolutely fantastic, and I'm starting to wonder if this is where he might look his best.

He's still fat, of course, but to me he brings to mind 'bulky' more than 'fat'. He's still got a considerable gut, but it's framed by broad shoulders and some powerful arms. Even through all that fat, you can tell there are muscles at work in his chest, arms and legs. He's starting to remind me of those strong guys from the competitions! I know he's not that strong, but still, the visual effect is there.

As for my own weight, I'm still at 517 pounds. It's been an interesting week, almost like rediscovering myself. Again. It's been fun, the difference between being 517 and knowing that I'm 517 is far greater than I'd ever have imagined. It's been a week of feeling absolutely incredibly big, even though nothing changed. I've been moving slower, noticing how tight everything is, how tiny everyone at work is. My appetite has grown to become insatiable again. It goes to show how much 'being fat' is in your head!

My plans for the future are murky, again. Ian would like me to gain more weight now. We've discussed 530 as a goal, or maybe just starting my diet in the New Year like everyone else. I can't say that in my heart I'm all that opposed to either suggestion. I still know that to have more kids, I really need to get my ass in gear, so we'll see how things pan out.

An interesting twist, though, is Sherry. She's on Ian's side here, she'd like to push me a little bit further! I was really surprised by that. I just might have to indulge her a little on this!

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Pregnancy is a risky business when you're super-obese. But if you really want another kid, and don't want to lose weight, have you and Ian considered adoption? Since you've already hatched a kidlet of your own, you already have the physical experience of pregnancy and childbirth behind you, and that's the only thing you'd miss by adopting.
I've got to admit, being pregnant is something I'm really looking forward to again.

Adoption would be an option, but it's not something we'll be looking at for now.
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