Thursday, June 26, 2008

Karen and Michael: Use 'em and Lose 'em

Karen loved going dancing with her friends on Friday night. They were all young women with lean bodies and spectacular dancers. They competed amongst each other for the best men in the club each Friday, and more often than not Karen was the winner. Her moves were just a little bit better than everyone else's.

While Karen loved having her pick of men every Friday night, she preferred the hunt over the success itself. Sure, she enjoyed spending a night with hottest guys, making her friends quake in envy, but she really preferred the conquest to the company she had won. Karen rarely dated the men she had met, though from time to time she would hook up the same guys from Friday to Friday.

Occasionally her friends would ask why upon landing the greatest guy, she'd just let him go. Karen was honest, saying that she enjoyed the sport more than the results.

What her friends didn't know was that Karen would be jealous of them when they did find a guy who turned into a boyfriend, if even for only a few weeks or months. She longed to have that steady relationship, someone to care about, someone to care about her.

The men she met were cute, sure. Often they were fun too, but at the end of the night (or early in the morning), they were really just interested in Karen for her body. They never took the time to get to know each other. Whenever Karen did, she found herself somewhat disappointed.

As the disappointments built, Karen took more and more pleasure in her successes, enjoying making her friends jealous as much as anything else. The men themselves were disposable, and she gave up even trying to get to know them.

And so it went for Karen, until that fateful Thursday night she first laid eyes upon Michael, amidst the sea of fat women. She couldn't say why he was different. He was cute, yes. He had bright eyes, and a knowing look. He looked different from everyone else. He obviously wasn't into a woman's looks if he was interested in those fatsos.

Even as Karen learned more about Michael, she was tempted by the mere fact he would have nothing to do with her. He became her ultimate conquest. No man could say no to her!


Karen had dated a great many men. Or at least lain with a great many men. All of them were cute, all of them were desirable, all of them were a conquest to Karen. She knew that a great many of them saw her as a mere conquest as well, but she hadn't cared: it was all fair game.

Michael was different though. He was someone worth having, not a mere night of passion to be discarded. He was cute, he was smart, funny. He knew what he wanted in life, and that was just ridiculously attractive to Karen, who really didn't know what she wanted.

To learn that she was nothing more than a conquest to Michael, a play thing to be discarded when she no longer met his ideal... it tore Karen's heart out. She had dedicated her life to making him happy, and this was all he could do for her?

And yet, Karen realised, he hadn't actually dumped her. He said he would, if someone else came along who was better than her. She was still the best. She would remain the best. Karen would always be the best, and then Michael would be hers!

Karen ate more that week than she had in her whole life. If she'd stop to see how much she was eating, she wouldn't have thought it was possible, but she just pushed on and ate. She was determined to gain as much weight as possible by Thursday night.

When Thursday came, Karen waddled slowly into the bar. She was trying not to move too much, she could feel the fabric of her clothing pulling apart already. She approached the table that Tim had set up for her. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the food arrayed on it for her.

Tim's eyes went wide seeing Karen's body sheathed in clothes a size too small, "You look like you've been eating all week!"

Karen smiled back, "Who says I wasn't?" she attacked the mountain of nachos.

"You really have room for all that?"

"Don't worry about me, I've always got room."

As Karen polished off the final piece of pizza, she wondered if she really did have room. She'd never felt so full in her life! Her clothes were so tight around her belly it was a wonder they didn't just explode right there.

She tried to get up, and made no progress. She sat a moment to catch her breath. She scanned the bar. Several men were watching her, no doubt waiting for her to begin dancing. She smiled at them. She saw Michael. He was talking with Sophie. How could he talk with her? She wasn't all that fat. Karen looked again. Sophie was actually getting pretty big. When did that happen?

Again Karen shifted and strained, finally getting to her feet. The dance floor seemed so far away. How was she going to get there? How was she going to get on the riser? One step at a time, she made her way across. As people stepped aside to make room for her she smiled: it was her own personal Red Sea.

Her legs ached, her tummy wanted to explode, but she'd made it across the floor. Now it was just a matter of getting up on the riser. She took a moment to catch her breath. Another moment to regain her balance. Karen looked over and saw that Andrea was talking to Michael. Andrea had lost so much weight! What did he see in someone that tiny?

Karen felt a hand on her shoulder and a voice called from behind her, "Hey tubby, get up and dance, or shove of."

Karen turned around, and found herself belly to belly with Sophie. Up close Sophie seemed bigger than ever. Though their bellies were pressed together, their eyes were still far apart. Sophie's eyes were side and bright, Karen's narrow and glaring.

Without a word Karen turned back around and tried once more to step up onto the riser. She strained and grunted for a moment. She then lost her balance as Sophie brushed her aside.

Karen gasped. She couldn't believe that Sophie could be so brazen! She also couldn't believe that she couldn't even get up on a stupid step.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Karen turned towards Michael's table, but saw him hungrily watching Sophie. Even as Karen sat down beside him, she received barely a glance of recognition.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Double Edged Sword

A lot of fat people complain about a lack of energy. While I did experience that phenomenon, I didn't complain about it. I was quite content to let Ian do all the work while I was being lazy.

Now that I'm losing weight and exercising more, I've got plenty of energy. Sounds good, right? Wrong. Now I need to do something with that energy! I'm cleaning, I'm going out, I'm running errands, going for walks. If I try to just sit still, I get restless!

Why do people want to be like this!?


The weather has been hit and miss. There's been a few tornadoes in the area, but not near me. Even people from London say this isn't normal, so I guess there's something to this climate change thing. The rain and thunderstorms are nice though. The park looks fantastic!

The festivals are getting up and running in London too. They've cut back on the number of them, there were so many that they were sort of getting lost. It'll be nice to not feel like I have to go to Victoria Park EVERY weekend to see the same stuff.

Of course, now I've got the energy to do it, maybe I'll wish I was.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

AN: The Case of the Crash Diet - Part Two, Alexandra: A Painter's Story - Part One

Sheila was awake when Basil came in with his cart of food. "I thought you'd never get here, I'm starving!" As she began eating, she realised that the lie was actually true. She was starving.

Basil waited for a few moments. "Go, I'm eating. You'll hear the rest later!"

When Basil came back, Sheila was full, as usual, and ready to continue.

The Case of the Crash Diet - Continued.

The woman was successful at work. She was successful with her diet. She was having success in her personal life. She dressed for success. She felt successful, she was successful.

At work she was rewarded for her success with greater responsibilities. She travelled more to meet with bigger clients. When she met clients, it was usually in catered boardrooms, or going out to fancy restaurants. She knew she had earned her success, she had earned the right to eat well.

With a busy work and social life, the woman no longer stuck with the diet that had brought her success. She eased into her old eating habits, quickly, as her body had really missed them.

Before long she found her weight creeping back up. She promised herself she'd try to exercise more, but she never found time. She promised she'd go back on her old diet, but it would be impossible with the food she was expected to eat at the meetings that were making her so much more successful.

She had to switch out her wardrobe for bigger clothes, which she had luckily kept. She noticed that her social calendar had more and more holes in it. Without even thinking about it, these holes were filled with more food.

Her weight continued to climb, not so gradually any more. Contacts wondered if she was okay. Sales were starting to dry up. She found herself home more and more, filling the time with more and more food.

She reached the size she was before the merger. Her sales were falling drastically, she was home alone with her cats and her fridge more than ever, and even her fat clothes were becoming perilously tight. Life was as mundane as ever, but she had tasted something more, and mundane wasn't going to cut it anymore.

Without any warning or probation she was let go from the company. Her sales had fallen, her weight had grown, and they wondered how dedicated she really was.

The woman started a tailspin, she would stay at home for days, only venturing out in overly tight clothes to buy more food, or maybe some new clothes. She quickly ate up her severance package, and found herself heading out to collect unemployment.

At the unemployment office she ran into one of her friends. Her friend commented on how big the woman had become, and why it had happened. The woman broke down into tears, explaining the crash diet, the new pressures and everything she had to do for work, and how it all came undone, and things were worse than ever.

Her friend consoled her, and told her that it wasn't right, that a job shouldn't have such control over her life. She consulted with some lawyers to see if the woman had a case against her company. It turned out that a lawyer, named Arnold, was actually looking for such a case, and would represent the woman in court pro bono.

The woman met with the lawyer. He was incredibly large, far larger than she was, in fact. He liked to eat while they met, and while he was very well mannered at the meetings, he did eat a lot. The woman found herself eating a lot too as they met.

As the case made its way through the various stages of the legal process, the stress was incredible on the woman. She continued to eat and gain weight, and Arnold even suggested that her increased weight would help the case.

Arnold took care of her, paying her rent, her food and clothing out of his own pocket. With his support, she became somewhat famous. Her weight skyrocketed, and by the time the court case was decided in her favour, she was Arnold's equal in girth, despite his own weight gain over the time.

The woman received a generous settlement that allowed her to live an idle life on a pacific island. She enjoyed both her fame in a groundbreaking case, and the ever growing frame that won her riches.

One of her favourite things was to read her fan mail, about the men and women who had learned to stand up for themselves, and gaining acceptance in a world that still hated fat.

The first letter she received was from Alexandra, a painter who overcame prejudice to gain acceptance amongst her peers.

Alexandra: A Painter's Story - Part One

Alexandra grew up in an ordinary family, in an ordinary agricultural town. Her parents worked on a farm. Her aunts and uncles worked on farms. Her grandparents had worked on farms, her cousins worked on farms. Everyone worked on a farm, except Alexandra. She wanted to paint.

From an early age she would create with her crayons and finger paints. She created images of fields of wheat, fields of corn, barns, silos and scenes from the country fair. No one had seen a child with so much interest in farming before her.

It wasn't until Alexandra was a teenager that people began to realise she painted farms because farms were all she saw. She hated farms, and when all her friends went to work on farms after school and in the summer, Alexandra desperately wanted to stay to herself and paint. She found herself often alone, and practically disowned by her family.

Aside from farming, Alexandra began to loathe ordinary agricultural town life itself. All her life she had eaten the same hearty home cooking. While she was an average size for the girls in the town, she was far bigger than any of the girls seen on TV. Alexandra longed to look like them, to be a real person!

The day Alexandra graduated from high school she took her meagre savings and travelled to the coast to attend school and become a real painter.

Alexandra's techniques were very well honed for an amateur, and her works blossomed with new inspirations and experiences. She earned a scholarship that covered her educational expenses, but she needed money to cover her living expenses. She naively went the 'starving artist' route, trying to sell paintings wherever she could. Alas, her well fed heartland body was far too fat to garner her any success as a starving artist.

Alexandra had to settle for menial jobs at fast food and small retail outlets. Soon she really was a starving artist though, and she revelled as years of well fed farm flab melted off her, and she gained the jaded, angular look that artists were to have.

She quit her jobs and began to sell her paintings. She began to develop a standing in the local art community, her paintings were better than ever, and she was among the thinnest artists on the scene too.

When she graduated with her bachelor of art history, she had numerous invitations to create paintings for prestigious collectors. Alexandra spent a year travelling the world, painting for the rich and famous in exotic and cosmopolitan locales.

When she came home, she was thinner, more angular than ever. One of her friends commented that with all that great food, it was a wonder that Alexandra could stay so thing. Alexandra replied that she was travelling to paint, not to eat. She was admonished, so few people get a chance to visit as many cultures as Alexandra had, if she didn't eat the local cuisine, everyone would think she was some sort of hick farm girl.

Alexandra had worked so hard to escape the farm, the very thought that anyone could still see her as hick enraged her. She exploded at her friends, and vowed to show them just how cultured she could be.

She worked on a masters degree, studying with renowned artists and historians across the globe. This time though, she took the time to focus on the culture, history, art and food of the various lands she came to.

Alexandra was extremely glad to have had her eyes opened. Painting was such a small part of life, of culture, of history. She learned about other forms of art, sculpture, poetry, dance, and cooking. Alexandra learned how cooking could encapsulate so much about a culture, the history of their land, contact with other cultures, what they value among the different classes. Tastes, textures, smells, techniques, the sounds of a busy kitchen, the quiet of an exquisite meal. Alexandra had grown up in the very heartland of food production, and yet now she understood what food meant, and how much culture she had simply dismissed.

Upon completing her masters degree, Alexandra's lank angles had been replaced by round curves. Her harsh expression was softer and happier as well. The world had so much to offer, and she was going to partake as much as she could!

She took a year off from study and began to experiment in cooking. She visited with different chefs, made her own attempts at fusion cuisine, trying to tie together histories and cultures in many ways from logical to utterly bizarre. Her many creations ran an enormous gamut from completely unpalatable to rivalling anything a king had ever dined upon.

Alexandra's year of food had a great impact on her weight, she was now bigger than she ever had been before, but she saw it as a badge of the experiences she had allowed herself. It also had a great impact on her finances, all of her savings had been used up, it was time to paint again.

Once it was known that Alexandra was painting again friends and associates quickly put together a show for her, and she created several works to show off her new found appreciation of the world. The night of her show was very tense, everyone wanted to see what she had learned on her sabbaticals (for few knew what she had been up to, they assumed it was a sabbatical). When the art was revealed, it was as magical as everyone had expected.

However, when Alexandra waddled forth to accept her peers' acclaim, everyone fell silent. This wasn't the tortured Alexandra who saw the world through a scrappy, tortured light. Instead she was a fat, bourgeois consumer. She could barely stand the muttering as everyone quickly left, and few pieces of her work were actually purchased.

"But what's Alexandra going to do?" Basil asked as Sheila stopped speaking. "She's as good an artist as she ever was, what are these people thinking?"

Sheila just smiled, her eyes drooping partially shut.

Basil looked at her. "I know, I know, you need to sleep, I'll be back tomorrow."

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Matt and Annie: Results

It had been a busy year. Matt and Annie had broken up, gained weight, gotten back together, gained more weight, moved in together and gained even more weight. Then Matt got a raise, Annie quit her job and they really started to gain weight.

Things had finally settled into the new routine. Matt made occasional office visits, though he could do most of his work from home via telephone and computer. Annie had dedicated herself to Matt. She cooked for him, she did the shopping and most of the chores around the apartment. She even helped keep Matt relaxed with daily massages with oils and lotions.

When Matt was busy with work, and her other tasks taken care of, Annie was busy in the home gym they had set up. At first they had debated where to put it, but they finally decided to keep it in the same area Matt was working. At first he found it somewhat distracting, but he also found it quite enjoyable watching Annie's bulbous form wobbling as she exercised.

It took a while for Annie to get into her groove with the exercise. She still had a very aggressive appetite herself, and found it much simpler to sit and eat with Matt. The main problem was that their combined size was simply too much for the bed or shower they liked to share. Over time she got into the habit of regular exercise, and the results were beginning to show.

Annie was far from slender, but Matt could see that she'd lost a considerable amount of weight. Her older clothes fit now, there was room for them in the bed and shower, and she was getting her chores done much quicker.

For Matt's part, he was gaining as quickly as Annie was losing. He was now quite a bit larger than she was, bringing their size ratio closer to when they were first dating. Matt loved the daily attention that Annie brought upon him, and if he had to gain weight for it, then that was a tiny price to pay.

Matt's happy home life contributed to better performance at work. He was offered a promotion, but he declined, it would require full time office work. He did accept another raise though, and they began investing the money for the future.

He continued to gain weight, his life before meeting Annie almost forgotten. The very idea of making his own food was foreign. He could manage the walk to the elevator, but he couldn't possibly do stairs, up or down. Even long walks were something he simply didn't do. His life was in the apartment: work, food and Annie, not always in that order.

As Matt's size grew to meet Annie's imagined perfect version of him, Annie's form continued to shrink. Matt enjoyed her fat, but did still long for the trim girl he had first met. Annie wasn't sure how slim she could get, but as her size dipped under the plus sizes, she found she really did enjoy losing weight as much as gaining it. If nothing else, she had plenty more energy to take care of Matt, and the room to do it.

Through some shrewd financial work, their savings started growing as quickly as Matt did. He went from being a full time employee to being a contractor. Because they now had a home based business, with Annie as an employee, they were making more money, with less work for Matt.

"Who knew that getting so fat would make me so rich?" Matt asked as he lay on a table while Annie gave him a professional grade massage.

Annie purred a little as she rolled the familiar soft folds of his back in her hands, "I knew that once you finally gained weight, life would be perfect. But I never saw the road we'd have to travel!"

"I still can't believe that I'm basically being paid to stay home and get fat," Matt's voice was gentle as he was reaching total relaxation.

"I can't believe that I'm getting paid to massage your fat for two hours a day," Annie cooed back.

"That's a benefit, you're paid to clean," Matt replied dreamily.

"So I can stop whenever I want?"

"Mmmhmmm. But you don't want to stop, do you?"

"Not for a second baby," Annie grinned. She crawled right up on his back and put her arms around him.

"There was a time you could crush me by doing that," Matt said playfully.

"You callin' me fat, big boy?"

"Just saying that you were pretty jumbo."

"I was jumbo? So what does that make you?"

"Hmmmm," Matt thought a moment. "It makes me hungry."

"Hungry?" Annie sat up, her legs astride his broad back. "That doesn't make sense."

Matt tried to turn to look at her. She dug her heels into his generous love handles to get traction on his glistening flesh. His hands reached back and grapped her ankles. "Yeah, hungry. Are you going to feed me, or am I going to have to eat you?"

"You're not going to eat me!"

"I will if you're not going to feed me!"

"You only eat jumbo food! I'm not jumbo anymore, you said it yourself. Besides, once I'm gone, who's going to feed you?" Annie felt Matt's grip release. She slid down off his back, and hurried to grab a snack from the kitchen.

When she came back Matt was sitting up on the massage table. His chest was laying atop his belly. His belly was piled up across his lap. His legs were forced apart, with the belly hanging between, on top, and slightly over them.

Annie handed him the bowl of chips and said, "I think you're going to need some more!"

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Monday, June 16, 2008

AN: Hog's Revenge - Part Two, The Case of the Crash Diet - Part One

Sheila awoke to Basil gently prodding her shoulder. "I want to hear the revenge story."

She rubbed her eyes and rolled over. "Food first, then story."

Basil grunted and left the room. He came back with his cart full of food. He stood tapping his feet.

"I'm going to be a while," She said as she opened the first container of food. "Come back later!"

Basil grunted again and left.

When he came back the food was again gone, and Sheila was dozing in the chair. He poked her shoulder again.

"Okay, okay, you've waited, here you go."

Hog's Revenge - Continued.

Upon meeting Michelle, Arnold vaguely recognised her. She was much larger now than she had been when Keith had brought her to that grad party. For a moment he almost balked at being forced to be as large as she was. He knew he couldn't afford the disgrace that was being held over him though.

The plan was simple, he merely needed to gain one pound a week until he was Michelle's size. He was allowed to go 3 straight weeks without a gain, but the weight had to be made up within 3 months.

Starting his gain was tough: Arnold had always been a bit of a fitness fanatic, and would much rather have a round of golf or a game of racquet ball than actually work. Turning down invitations made people wonder if something was up with him.

Within a month he finally got used to having less time on the course and on the court. He also found that he was getting much more work done, submitting work early, rather than repeatedly pushing deadlines.

Arnold's weight gain was slow though, he missed his targets a few times over the first few months. His body adjusted to getting less exercise, he was going to have to work on gaining weight. He began keeping treats at his desk, and he found people were more inclined to come by and help him out, helping him raise his caseload, and getting far better results.

By now Arnold's weight gain was becoming noticeable. His suits no longer fit, and going up stairs two at a time brought on a sweat. He bought new clothes, and took his time going up the stairs. His new suits drew universal praise. Juries responded to the gravitas that he now presented. He was winning cases that had seemed unwinnable.

A year into the blackmailing Arnold had gained 65 pounds. He wasn't even the biggest man in his law firm, but he was definitely becoming fat.

Arnold liked to snack during the day, just to make sure he got in the calories he needed. The worst things that he could endure were client meetings where there was nothing to eat. He began to have client meetings over lunch and dinner. Even though the meetings tended to be longer, allowing everyone a chance to eat, the clients loved the personal touch. The asked for Arnold by name, and more business flooded to the firm.

In the second year of blackmail, Arnold had managed to gain 100 pounds.

He was now a full partner, and possibly one of the most sought after human rights lawyers in the country. He made frequent TV appearances. His PR handlers wanted him to lose weight, but he was fond of saying that people didn't want a lawyer who seemed like he didn't know where his next meal was coming from. He also found that a well fed lawyer was much more inclined to do the kind of charity cases he was famous for.

Arnold finally reached Michelle's size, and the group of women destroyed their manufactured evidence. They were dismayed that their revenge had in fact boosted Arnold's career.

For his part, Arnold told them that their lesson had been valid, and that he would start focusing on size acceptance causes, as he was now as famous for his girth as his legal prowess.

In fact, the very day he was released of his weight gain obligations he announced his new case.

The Case of the Crash Diet - Part One

There was a woman who worked as a sales representative for a mid sized company. She travelled all across the region selling her companies wares. She was good at her job, but not great.

Good but not great. Middle of the road. Adequate. These were the by words of her life. She had certainly never set out to attain mediocrity, but she had carved out a life she considered pleasant.

She wasn't thin, but in the modern age her chubby frame was average. She'd passed all her classes at school, but never near the top. She'd preferred reading to playing when growing up, and while she had friends to go out with from time to time, she wasn't anyone's best friend. Except for perhaps her two cats, but they ignored her, as cats ignore anyone.

She really didn't mind though. She could have a worse job. She could have no friends at all. She could have cats that ruined her furniture. Finally she was thankful that she wasn't truly fat.

Eventually the woman's company was merged with another company in the same business. Everyone with redundant jobs was evaluated. Suddenly being a middle of the road saleswoman wasn't enough for the woman to keep her job.

She was put on probation, and told that if she lost weight she would probably boost her sales enough to keep her job.

She had tried dozens of fad diets over the year, but they hadn't worked, and she hadn't stuck with them. She'd lose 10 pounds, and gain 15. She had decided she was better of not losing weight for fear of gaining too much more. She hoped that the fear of losing her job would help her stick to a diet plan better than any others she had followed.

With the help of her friends, who were happy that she was finally doing something about her weight, the woman chose a diet. Like all the others before, it was a fad diet, but it guaranteed she'd lose 30 pounds in the first month. Since she had 3 months to lose 40, that sounded like a great plan.

It was hard mixing the limitations of what she could eat with travel, and the change to her eating habits certainly made the woman irritable. Her sales went down over the course of the month, but she did lose the guaranteed 30 pounds.

Her friends celebrated, and took her out to buy an all new wardrobe. For the first time in her life, she felt beautiful with all the clothes and attention she was getting!

Even though it was tough to maintain the diet, she felt like a million dollars, looked like a million dollars, and people bought from her. She had her best month of sales ever! She even lost the last 10 pounds.

Over the final month of her probation she had another record setting month. She even lost another 10 pounds.

She'd never dreamed of losing 50 pounds, but she had. She found the world was opening itself up to her. She was still a little overweight, but all it did was provide her with voluptuous curves that she dressed to accentuate. She was being approached by strange men. She was the first one her friends called, not the last. Even her cats liked to lay on her lap more often.

The woman was taken off probation, and was given praise for really working hard. She also went off the diet. Now that she'd lost the weight, it was time to eat real food again.

Basil grinned, "She's going to get fat again isn't she? It'll serve her right!"

Sheila feigned a yawn. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out."

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

1001 Adiposity Nights: A Journey to Fat Acceptance - Part Two, Hog's Revenge - Part One

Sheila's eyes fluttered open to see Basil standing over the bed, a cart full of food containers right behind him. "Finish the food, finish the story, or else." He left her alone.

Sheila groaned at the thought of eating more, but she simply had no other option. She certainly wasn't going to let Basil kill her, and she definitely wasn't going to let him move on to his next murder.

Basil practically bounded into the room as she finished off her last bite of cake that evening. He sat down, looking at her expectantly.

Without another word Sheila continued the story.

A Journey to Fat Acceptance Continued

Keith was with his friends, they were all looking around the bar for some fat girls to take hogging. Keith was trying to find Michelle, but he wasn't having any luck.

It suddenly dawned on Keith that Michelle was putting him through some sort of elaborate ruse, a sort of reverse hogging. Were his friends in on it? Was his girlfriend going to know? What was she doing to do?

Suddenly one of his friends tapped him on the shoulder and introduced him to a girl, saying that she'd wanted to meet Keith by pointing him out. Keith turned to the fat college girl and paused a moment. She wasn't all that fat, not by hogging standards, but she certainly wasn't skinny. Her hair, clothes and makeup were typical of the college girls trying to be more than they were. He took a quick last scan for Michelle before finally deciding to take his latest conquest to a back table and lie to her about how he was going to change his life. On this night of all nights though, his heart just wasn't in it.

When they sat down Keith was shocked. When the frumpy, tasteless hog first opened her mouth, it was Michelle, boasting that she'd said no one would recognise her. Hearing her scolding voice, seeing her bright, intelligent smile showed Keith at once that this was truly Michelle, and that her plan really had worked.

He took another look at her. Her refined makeup was replaced by a cheap plastic look. Her expensive haircut had been assaulted by some sort of gardening implement. Her formerly curvy body was now crammed into off the rack clothing so small that there were bulges of flesh grotesquely hanging over every seam. She truly looked the part of a hog.

Over the course of the evening, Michelle went on and on about what she'd gone through to get to this point, but Keith started to tune her out, like he did with all his other hogging dates. He couldn't get over how fat and tacky Michelle had become, and he really didn't care about her so called hardships. He had a reputation to protect, and it could come crashing down quite easily if anyone happened to figure out who Michelle was.

The hogs were invited to the dining club the next week, and like usual they were as dolled up as their limited means would allow. As per usual they were humiliated by the men and their real girlfriends.

Michelle was in touch the next day. She was impressed by Keith's performance, she genuinely felt like he was disinterestedly leading her on and setting her up to fail. And now that she'd spent some time with the other jilted girls, she knew how hideous the practise was, absolutely destroying any fragile self esteem the girls had had. She also set their next hogging date for him.

Keith was kind of dreading his next encounter with Michelle. He wasn't sure if he could possibly make a life with her and maintain his status in society. She was just so common now, so fat!

Michelle's appearance had changed again. Keith couldn't believe how much larger she'd gotten in a mere month. While she was a borderline hog before, she was one for sure now. Her hair colour was changed, and her makeup was different enough that it would be easy to mistake her for a different woman.

Michelle had concocted a plan though. She knew that Keith and his girlfriend weren't particularly fond of each other. She also knew that Keith's girlfriend was an especially cruel supporter of hogging. Michelle suggested that Keith and Michelle could date regularly, under cover of setting Michelle up for the greatest hogging fall of all time. Then once school was done, they could move on, Michelle could lose her weight and blend back into high society.

Keith was almost disappointed when his girlfriend's insistence that he follow through on Michelle's plan. He wasn't sure which was worse, getting to know just how nasty his girlfriend could be, or being forced to spend so much time with a hog.

Keith and Michelle began seeing each other on a regular basis. She would get all tarted up in cheap makeup and an outlet dress a size too small and join him at the exclusive restaurants and clubs of their world. She always ate with a voracious appetite, really playing up the part of someone trying to soak in as much culture as she could.

Even though they saw each other often, it was difficult for them to get time alone. When Keith's friends were around she played the part of a rube so perfectly, it caught him off guard when she reverted to her normal honest, intelligent, warm self when they really were alone.

Even though their time alone was fleeting, Keith was starting to enjoy them. Michelle was such a stark contrast to his snooty and rather dull girlfriend that he started looking forward to his dates with Michelle, no matter how much a hog she had become.

After several months of dating, Keith's girlfriend suggested that he go all the way with Michelle. Keith and his girlfriend rarely had sex with each other, and it was a fairly open secret they weren't so fond of each other. Keith supposed this was her way of punishing him. Keith was eager to sleep with Michelle again though. She was by far the best girl he'd ever been in bed with.

It was no act Michelle when Michelle squealed with joy when she heard the news. Keith was suddenly apprehensive. The girl he'd had sex with was a soft love bunny. The girl he was going to have sex with was a mountain of white trash flab.

When they were finally alone in Keith's apartment Michelle was all over him. Keith tried to slow things down, he was repulsed by her pale flesh rippling in giant waves as she moved. Michelle was aggressive and she used her superior size to overwhelm him. Afterwards he felt very strange, with her soft body pressed up against him.

For their next date she took him on a reverse hogging. She took him to meet all her fat friends at an all you can eat buffet. Seeing Michelle next to her friends, he realised how big she was getting. As he watched her eat plate after plate of greasy grub though, he suddenly wondered why she wasn't bigger.

Meeting Michelle's friends was truly excruciating. The views they held of the world, the priorities they had in their lives, and the sheer misplaced vanity made him wonder if they didn't deserve their hoggings. It was painful to see Michelle fitting in with them. He knew she was going to be so much more once she was free of this atmosphere.

He was also looking forward to her losing some weight.

When they had sex Michelle continued to force herself upon Keith, and he continued to experience the weird sensations of trying to get his arms around her every expanding corpulence. He was thankful to have her company though, even if he had to share her attention with her food.

As they reached their first year anniversary, Michelle had become the queen of the hogs. She had gained a tremendous amount of weight, Keith could scarcely recognise her as the aristocratic girl he had once proudly dated. She moved around with a slow waddle, then enthusiastic skip in her step long over whelmed. They could only eat at select restaurants and clubs that had seats which were wide enough to accommodate her. They had actually been banned from an all you can eat Chinese food buffet they went to on their slummy dates!

During sex she found it much easier to let Keith take control. He still wasn't fond of how awkward she was to penetrate, or even get his arms around, but he had become accustomed to her massive form taking up most of the bed as they cuddled.

Keith's girlfriend was now preparing to lower the boom on Michelle. Keith was going to get Michelle a big make over, and have her come to his graduation ceremony where she'd meet Keith's real girlfriend at last, and see what a fool she'd been. Keith's girlfriend was so excited that she actually wanted to have sex with him!

Keith was relieved to again have sex with a normal, skinny girl. However he was sorely disappointed. Her body was hard, angular and just seemed devoid of any character or beauty. He found himself longing for Michelle's massive thighs, mountainous belly and overflowing breasts. Cuddling afterwards was a cold, empty affair.

Going back to dating Michelle, he could suddenly see past her hog facade. She was still beautiful, and her round body was actually very attractive. Her body moved in a rhythm all its own, there was a poetry that he had simply never seen before.

Sex went from being a chore to being a pleasure for Keith, and he was becoming much more aggressive, becoming impatient as she finished her desserts, or slowly waddled to the bedroom.

After receiving her extensive makeover Michelle looked like a million dollars. Keith's jaw absolutely dropped when he saw her. The hog facade was completely removed, and compared to the other scrawny women in the room, Michelle's radiant beauty was undeniable.

As the evening wore on, They knew that Michelle's humiliation was coming. It was just a matter of how it would take place. But before anything could happen, Michelle was actually recognised by one of her old friends.

Word quickly swept through the party, as convoluted stories of Keith cheating on his girlfriend with a hog, or of Michelle duping Keith with her facade. The plans changed, Michelle's humiliation never came, but the damage to their relation ship was done. Keith lost both his girlfriend and Michelle, and the only way to repair his reputation was to denounce the both of them.

A few months later Keith was dating another anorexic blue blood, wishing he could get things to work out with Michelle. He managed to get in touch with her again, and she had changed her attitude towards him. She'd decided that she rather enjoyed the 'hog role' she'd been playing. It was wrong to think she was better than her new friends, just different.

Michelle managed to bring her two worlds together, working with her friends to use her money wisely. She and Keith would meet from time to time, and she always seemed more beautiful than the last.

Keith continued to pine for the fun girl that Michelle was, until he heard about another girl they'd know. She was new money, like Michelle. She had a much more raunchy reputation than Michelle, but they had been friends when they were younger. Keith had had lots of fun with her, though they'd grown apart over time. Keith heard that her father had passed away though, and left a bizarre trust fund where she was required to gain weight to gain her money. Keith learned that there was an opening on the trust board, and he volunteered right away.

Sheila sighed heavily. She was sleepy, but Basil still had his rope. She smiled at him, "Just wait until you see what happens to Michelle!"

Hog's Revenge - Part One

Michelle had a lot of anger. She'd been born to a good life, but had been taught how important it was to work hard, and to be responsible. It turned out that many of her peers were immune to such lessons. One of the worst examples was something they called 'hogging', where they would dupe fat women into thinking a better life was calling, but to humiliate them instead.

She had believed she had found someone different though, someone who she could share her views, loves and losses with. She even came up with a plan to have him to herself. She had masqueraded as a hog herself, living a low life, gaining vast amounts of weight to play the part. In the end though, he seemed no different to her. He continued to date tiny women of questionable intelligence and morals.

The worst part was her life had been irrevocably changed. After spending a year living life as hog, she learned to love it. She liked the cheap make up, the wacky clothes, the anything for fun attitude of the other victims of hogging. Even though the weight she gained hampered her mobility, and her ability to fit into many places in society, she even enjoyed that. She had discovered there was incredible food to be had at any price, and she just couldn't get enough of it.

She worked with her friends to put her own resources to good use. They created campaigns that raised awareness of body image issues. They ensured that food was distributed equitably around the world, so everyone had a fair chance at a decent meal, and everyone could have a treat from time to time.

It made her very angry though that she was now an outsider in the blue blood world. Her independent thinking had always set her apart, but now her enormous girth and love of affordable accoutrements made her a pariah. She wished that she could truly make a change to their attitudes, to truly affect the people who could make the world a better place.

Eventually one of Michelle's friends, Peggy, suggested that rich people are always susceptible to blackmail, they simply needed to find the right approach.

Over time, Michelle and her friends finally assembled a conspiracy. Peggy would fake her death, leaving a long and detailed note explaining how her life had taken a downward spiral because of her 'hogging' experience with Arnold. Michelle's conspiracy included law enforcement personnel who would give Arnold the chance to cover up Peggy's 'death' on special conditions.

Their plan went into effect. Arnold was working his way up to partner at a law firm that handled many human rights and feminist issues. It would be disastrous for his past hogging to come to light. He quickly agreed to pay the price, assuming they wanted money.

It was revenge they wanted though: Arnold was to gain weight until he reached the size of Michelle, the one who's life was ruined most. The real reason Michelle was chosen was because she was simply the largest in the conspiracy.

Sheila slapped her hands on her stomach and announced, "It's sleepy time. Come back tomorrow."

Basil looked a little disappointed, wanting to see Michelle's revenge, but he nodded and left the room as Sheila lay down.

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Karen and Michael: Karen and Michael

Karen was buzzing with excitement. Tonight was her very first date with Michael, outside of seeing him at the club of course. They had fun there, but with the music and crowd, it was tough to have a real conversation.

It took her ages to finally settle on something to wear. MOst of her fat clothes were geared towards the club, not nice dinner out. She managed to mix and match her way to something respectable though.

She waited eagerly for him to come pick her up for the date. Despite being right on time in his Lexus, she was already a nervous wreck. As he escorted her to his car she had a horrifying thought: the only car she'd been in in months was a cab, and the setbelts no longer fit her! However, when she did get into the car, she noticed the the seatbelt had been fitted with an extender, which was quite comfortable.

They went to a fancy steak house that she'd heard of, but never dreamed she'd ever eat at. Michael handled the ordering chores. It seemed the staff were familiar with him though, they didn't bat a lash as he listed off half the menu. Karen was looking forward to trying it all.

There was a tremendous spread of food on the table, and they really did spend a long evening eating through it all. Even though Karen had eaten plenty with Michael at the club before, it made her a little self concious for him to be watching her eating such an extravagant meal. He was clearly enjoying it though, which did make things easier.

As they talked, Karen learned that Michael was an MBA who had a lot of experience turning around struggling midsize companies. He actually had profitable shares in over a dozen companies he had turned around over the years.

When he was first making his mark on the world he only ever dated thin women, prototypical trophy women that powerful men always dated. He felt it was important to be seen as successful.

Before that he had always preferred the company of bigger women, but had been too embarassed to date any. Over time though, his embarassment gave way, and he simply didn't date bigger girls because he was only approached by the waifs who expected him to date them.

Finally, once his repution preceded him, and he knew that dating big girls wouldn't cause any problems, he tried to date some. Many were reluctant to believe he was genuinely interested. Many were worried they'd get lost in his world of power and beauty.

Frustrated, Michael had gone to the club for a drink one Thursday night and found his personal Nirvana in BBW night. He became a fixture, always enjoying the women cutting loose and dancing up a storm. He quickly gained a reputation as being the centre of the action, and he was pleased to have it. He discovered he loved nothing more than watching BBW dancing.

By the time dinner was done, Karen had fallen completely in love with Michael. He was smart, sensitive, and truly loved her the way she was! She barely even noticed she'd eaten more than ever.


Karen was humming to herself. She had a date with Michael. They didn't get to see each other outside of the club very often, he was very busy with his work, but they'd been on several dates, and she knew that it was going to be great to eat in a nice, quiet restaurant. And it'll be nice to talk to Michael in a nice quiet restaurant tool.

It was taking her longer than normal to find something to wear though. Most of her formal clothes were too small for her, and even shopping with Sophie at the plus sized stores, she hadn't found very much in her size that she liked. Eventually she managed to put together an outfit that Sophie approved of.

By the time Karen waddled out of her room, Michael was already waiting for her. He was talking kindly with her waif thin roommates, who were swooning over him, and shooting daggers from their eyes that someone as fat as Karen might have a man as debonair as Michael. She didn't care, they could be as jealous as they wished, he was her man. Michael did give Sophie's ever expanding body a very approving glance as they stepped out the door though.

The arrived right on time at the restaurant, and Karen's appetizers were already waiting for her. Michael had arranged ahead of time, and she would have a fantastic night working her way through the menu before they headed back to his house.

Michael's house was beautiful. It was large, but a ranch style home. It was scaled perfectly for Karen too. The hallways were wider than normal, so Michael could easily walk beside Karen as she waddled. The seats were all wide and very soft. They were also the perfect height for her to easily get into and out of without too much trouble.

They headed for his bedroom, which had a gigantic bed that was again at the perfect height for her to slip in and out of. One corner of the room also had a miniature dance floor, complete with a low riser and powerful stereo.

He sat on the edge of the bed and turned the music on, as Karen put on a slow strip routine for him. As her energy began to wear out, she finished her dancing and joined him in the bed, where he demonstrated his absolute adulation for every ounce of her beautiful body. Twice.

As they lay still, they talked for a little bit. Karen suggested that they might make the relationship a little bit more serious; try to date more, consider non-dinner dates, and even think about moving in together at some point.

Michael was very frank with her though. He loved nothing more than watching a fat girl dance, and that's all he wanted. Karen might be the best for now, but in time she'd be replaced, just as she had replaced Andrea, and Andrea had replaced someone before. Karen would bet too big to dance, or a bigger dancer with better movies might along. Michael knew what he wanted from life, and he was going to take it.

At least he was honest.

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

1001 Adiposity Nights: The Fat Heiress Part Two, A Journey to Fat Acceptance - Part One

Sheila was woken up by the sound of Basil coming into her cell. "Tell me about the Heiress," he demanded.

"Oh, I'm too hungry to tell you that now, after I eat, I'll tell you the rest," she lied. She was so full she could barely sit up, but managed to do anyway.

Basil thought for a moment, got up and paced and then left the room. He came back half an hour later with a cart full of food in the white containers. "Eat it, all of it. When I come back tonight, you'll tell me the rest of the story."

Sheila, pretending she was famished, merely nodded as she had already stuffed her mouth with a Twinkie.

That night she had once again managed to finish off the mountain of food before Basil could force his company upon her. He came in, with his gloves and rope at the ready. He surveyed the room, and smiled approvingly at the empty food containers.

"Well?" he prompted.

Sheila was sitting in her chair, her hands perched atop her straining belly. She began.

The Fat Heiress - Continued

It turned out that gaining 20 pounds wasn't as easy as she'd hoped it would be. She was so used to watching what she ate, exercising extra hard if she ever cheated on her diet. She was always with her friends, and they sneered if she ate a chocolate bar, or missed a day at the spa.

It took several months for the heiress to finally figure out how to finally gain weight. She ate in secret, she would tell her friends she had gone to the gym with her other friends. All the while her debt continued to pile.

Finally she showed up at the trust's weigh station, and sure enough, she'd reached 120 pounds, and her stipend was upped accordingly. The problem, she quickly discovered, was that none of her clothes fit her anymore! She was still in debt, and now had to replace all of her clothes!

Reluctantly she began shopping for new clothes. She hadn't grown all that large, and she rather enjoyed the new curves. They gave her cleavage that her friends were envious of (they all assumed she'd had plastic surgery). It also gave her ass a little wiggle that seemed to drive the men crazy.

She decided she needed to gain a few more pounds to pay off the new clothes.

Before long the heiress was 130 pounds. The weight was starting to show in her face, and her arms. Her chest continued to grow and her butt was rounding out. She worked hard to hide her flabby middle from her friends, but she could tell they were starting to talk behind her back.

As she reached 140 pounds, the heiress was finally getting a hold of her debt woes. She still owed a lot of money, but the stipend was enough to cover her monthly costs and tend to the owing balance. She was having trouble keeping her friends though. They seemed to always be busy now, and not so eager to go out with her.

She knew it was because of her weight. However, with more free time, and fewer friends to hide her eating from, the Heiress found herself spending more time eating, and far less time even pretending to get some exercise.

Her wardrobe went through replacement after replacement. Even though she was worried about always buying clothes, her stipend was getting to be quite large, and she could actually envision getting out of debt so that maybe she could actually start to lose weight again.

Periodically her friends would get in touch with her, maybe come over for lunch. When the did, she didn't even pretend she wasn't eating to gain weight. They'd always be polite, but she could tell they had come over simply to gossip about her. Even though they tried to hide it, she could see them taking pictures of her eating, pictures of her getting up, pictures of how wide she was getting.

At 200 pounds, the Heiress couldn't even pretend she wasn't fat any more. She didn't really mind though, she still didn't have to work, and she really enjoyed the food she was eating. She even liked the clothes she was buying, they always fit so different, it was actually quite exciting finding just the right outfit to flatter her ever expanding curves.

The day she hit 250 pounds was a great day for the Heiress. Her stipend was now big enough that she would be living debt free. She decided she would stay at this weight for a few months to build up a cushion of money.

That day she also discovered a childhood friend Keith, the son of one of her father's business partners, had joined the trust. She'd always had such a crush on him, but her father had discouraged her from dating his partners' families. Now he saw her as the fat freak she was. He chased after her as she left the building.

He told her that as soon as he found out about the opening on her trust, he jumped at the chance. He wanted to take her out for lunch. She didn't really want to let him see her eat, but she couldn't really refuse.

At lunch they talked about childhood their childhood, about things that had happened in their lives. The Heiress didn't even notice that Keith had ordered plenty of food for her, and was watching each and every bite they had.

In fact, they dated for a few months, and the Heiress found her stipend growing over those months faster than ever.

Finally, one day she asked if her weight bothered him at all. He replied right away that there was a time where he wouldn't have dated a fat woman, but now, he was happy that the woman he loved also happened to be fat.

The 300 pound Heiress asked how that could be. Keith responded.

A Journey to Fat Acceptance - Part One

Keith had grown up privileged. His father had grown up privileged, and his grandfathers had grown up privileged. In fact, one had to go quite far back into Keith's family tree to find a dark root where his family hadn't been wealthy or privileged. It was what he knew.

Keith attended the best schools, he had influential friends, he always had whatever he wanted or needed, and he always managed to get away with things that others would not. There were costs for living this lifestyle though. His every act was scrutinised by peers, and there was much at risk from simply using the wrong fork, or talking to the wrong person.

In some ways Keith recognised that the world he lived in wasn't normal, and in some ways it wasn't even right. He also knew that over time he'd have a great deal of responsibility, and the only way to deal with that was to go along with the game, keep up appearances and hope he could be the person he wanted to be as well as the person he needed to be.

While away at school, he only dated other women in his social strata. There weren't really many women to pick from, and because the circle was close knit, life was very difficult after a break up, because everyone would quickly know all the details, real or fictitious as they may be. It made the relationships stale, as the risk of mistakes far outweighed the rewards of honesty.

Keith was dating a woman named Michelle. Her grand parents were new money, so Michelle was a little bit of a stretch, but she was very attractive, so this helped offset her more freewheeling attitude. In some ways she was a breath of fresh air, she was more open and honest in private, but worked all the harder to fit into the prim and propre rules when in company.

One activity that Michelle did not approve of was 'Hogging'. Keith and his friends would go to a bar that catered to a local college and find the fat girls sitting in the back. They would feign interest in the girls, assure them that they looked great and would fit in perfectly in high society. The girls would then be invited to come to the dining club where they would be humiliated by all of the guys' real girlfriends.

One evening after a hogging excursion, Michelle really let Keith know how atrocious she felt it was. Keith didn't know how to handle a girlfriend who actually disagreed with him, much less a girl who would actually disparage such an institution as hogging.

They quickly broke up, and given Keith's richer status, everyone took his side. It wasn't difficult, since she wouldn't deny saying the things she'd said.

After Michelle though, Keith found the other women to be insufferably dry and boring. Michelle really was a better person than any of the other women he knew. She might be a lower caste, but he could already feel that to reach his maximum potential he would need someone more open and honest, someone who was really willing to put things on the line to right the world.

Keith was in a tough position, he couldn't be seen with Michelle, and yet he was growing to believe that he couldn't live without her.

For Michelle's part, she was ostracised from the only life she knew. She hated her friends, who only kept her in their lives because of her family's standing. They treated her with a courteous contempt that made her lonelier than she could have thought possible.

Miraculously one evening Keith and Michelle found themselves alone at a fundraiser. Not knowing how long the moment would last, they both apologised profusely. Keith knew that his attitude was wrong, and that perpetuating it was not the person he aspired to be. Michelle knew that if she wanted to change the rules she had to play by them first.
They quickly agreed to keep in touch secretly. Keith really wanted to give up hogging, but Michelle had learned that he really couldn't. Michelle really wanted to give Keith a second chance, but Keith knew that the woman he was dating would win the breakup the moment Keith was seen with Michelle.

Over time Michelle finally concocted a new plan: Keith would pick her up on his hogging night. It seemed crazy to Keith. The main point of hogging was to bring back fat girls, and Michelle was anything but fat. She wasn't the slimmest girl in the crowd, but she was at most curvy. Keith was worried that Michelle would be recognised, but she pointed out that she was such a non-entity that she doubted anyone would notice.

After a few months Michelle had arranged transfer to another school so that she would be part of a new crowd. She also arranged with Keith when he could first take her hogging.

Keith was nervous, it had been almost a year since he'd dated Michelle, and 9 months since they'd made their plans in secret. Was she going to be fat enough? Was he even going to recognise her?

Sheila stopped the story at that point, her hands still perched across her distended stomach, "I'm really full, I just need to get some sleep, I'll be ready to tell the story tomorrow."

Basil just smiled, rose from where he was sitting and left the room.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Matt and Annie: Arrangements

Matt had thought he was fat when he was first dating Annie. Then he gained weight after breaking up and learned what it was like to really be fat.

Matt thought he was fat when Annie had moved into his apartment, but now that she'd been feeding him for six months, he knew what it was like to be really fat.

When Annie had first moved in, she had gained a lot of weight, and was in fact bigger than Matt was for a time. Eventually she'd changed his eating habits though, and he had become far larger than Annie ever was.

He'd never wanted to be this large, but Annie put in so much work keeping him fed, he just loved the way she doted on him! The bigger he became, the more attention she paid to his body as well. She washed him in the shower every morning. She gave him massages with oils and lotions every night. She paid exacting attention to every square inch of his body, and he loved every second of it. The bigger he got, the more she loved it, the more she loved it, the more he loved it, and the bigger he wanted to get.

The hitch in their plan was now Annie's weight. Even though she wasn't gaining weight as fast as she once did, she was still a very large woman. While they had both come to appreciate and enjoy her weight, it was getting in the way. It was a tight squeeze for them in bed. It was a tight squeeze on the couch. It was a tight squeeze in the shower. If Matt was going to get any bigger, Annie would have to get smaller.

At first it was impossible. She spent so much time around Matt's food, she couldn't help but eat. Even a tiny portion of Matt's dinner was enough to make anyone fat, and Annie still had a huge appetite. She planned on finding a gym, but between cooking, shopping and paying attention to Matt, there wasn't time to find a gym, much less start going to one!

One morning as he was trying to find something that fit so he could go to work, Matt finally had the solution: they would have to work from home! Both of them had office jobs, they'd still need to get to work on occasion, but there was no reason they couldn't do 90% of their jobs from the apartment.

They spent the next few weeks convincing their bosses this was the way to go, and finally getting things set up. They would have to go to work once or twice a week, as long as their productivity remained strong.

Matt took to the new arrangement like a fish to water. Even though he never realised it, he was always hungry at work, and it really affected his concentration. Now that he could eat steadily all day long, he was getting much more work done.

Annie, on the other hand, found her productivity spiralling downwards. She was busy making sure that Matt was fed, and she also found herself constantly giving him back rubs or neck massages, to keep him relaxed. Worst of all, she hadn't found a gym yet, and she the constant stream of food had her gaining more weight.

One night the problem finally came to a head. With Matt's increased obesity taking up 3/4 of the bed, there just wasn't room for Annie. If she was facing him, her entire bum was off the bed. If she faced away, her entire belly hung down. If she was on her back, then half her body hung over the edge.

The solution presented itself quickly though. Matt was so much more effective at work that he received a bonus and a raise. He was making more money now than the two of them had together. Annie could quit her job! They used Matt's bonus to buy some exercise equipment so Annie wouldn't have to find a gym.

Before long Matt would rest up after a long day of working and snacking by sitting on the couch and eating. After a long (but never long enough) day of feeding and massaging Matt, Annie would exercise for an hour before making him dinner.

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Sunday, June 01, 2008

1001 Adiposity Nights: Sheila and Basil Part Two, The Fat Heiress Part One.

Sheila woke up, still sitting in the comfortable chair in Basil's prison. She still felt full, but she felt oddly content. She'd never really felt that way before, but she'd never eaten so much before either.

Sheila didn't know how long she'd been awake. She was dozing in the chair, simply enjoying the way she felt. Eventually she realised she would have to get eating, or else she would run out of time to eat all the red food.

She was slow to start, she was full, she hardly wanted to move. Sheila managed some more mind over matter tricks though, and through out the day she managed to eat her way through most of the food in the red containers.

Just as she sat with the last pizza in front of her, the door opened, and she was joined by Basil again. "I'm surprised by you. I don't think anyone has finished the red food yet. Oh, I see you haven't, that's too bad."

He gathered up the rope he had in his gloved hands and walked across to where Sheila was sitting, she was trying to keep an eye on him through heavy eyelids. As he got glose, she groaned and reached out for a piece of pizza.

Basil smiled, though Sheila barely noticed him, "Still have some room have we? Well, I can give you a few minutes I suppose."

Sheila fought every impulse, every nerve in her body, but she managed to force herself to finish off the cold pizza. Her cheeks still full of cheese and crust, she turned to Basil and managed to give him a defiant smile.

"Just imagine how much easier this would be if you'd simply taken the time to enjoy food in your pathetic little life. You'd rather be a size zero than actually experience what life has to offer. You'd rather everyone was a size zero if you could."

Sheila wanted to respond, but she simply didn't have the energy. She tried to fight off sleeping in the chair again, but it was so soft, it was so cozy, and her stomach, it was so full and warm, she just had to rest her eyes, just for a few minutes.

Again she woke up feeling full and satisfied, as though nothing could make her happier than sitting still in this chair. Sheila knew what lay ahead of her though. She needed to eat all the blue food. But then what?

Strangely, the more she thought about the blue food, the hungrier she felt. She still felt full, so the notion of being hungry seemed very out of place. But she had to eat anyway, maybe her body knew this was what had to be done.

As she ate through piles of high calorie, yet very delicious treats, she never seemed to make any progress. She would take occasional naps. She even once tried to get up for a quick walk in her cell, but her stomach was too full for her to get up.

Sheila ate the last piece of cheesecake, and expected Basil to come right in. He didn't. She stared a steely glance at the door, but it did not open. She sighed, and once again fell asleep, wondering why she felt better than she ever had in her whole life when she knew she was approaching her last few moments.

When Sheila next awoke, Basil was in the room. He was wrapping his rope around his gloved hands, a smile on his face. "You surprise me, Sheila, you really do. I thought you'd be dead two days ago, but you have such determination, such a love for food. I almost wish I could take the time and teach you to really appreciate being fat. Alas, there are others in the world, others who are more wicked than you, and I must tend to them. Is there anything you'd like to say?"

Despite being so full that movement seemed like an alien concept, Sheila's blood began to course with adrenalin. Her mind focused to razor sharpness, and she began to talk.

"You never let me tell you the story of the fat heiress!"

"The fat heiress?" Basil stopped misstep.

"Oh yes, yes, she was a client of mine actually. The only one who ever gained weight, as a matter of fact."

"How much did she gain?" Basil lowered his rope.

"Don't get ahead of me, let me tell the story," Sheila and signalled for Basil to sit on the bed.

The Fat Heiress - Part One

A man born into stark poverty managed to use his wits and a few scraps of luck to work his way up in life until he was owned fully 1/3 of all the land in the city where he lived. He was among the city's elite, and he was very proud that he had simply used hard work to get from where he started to where he was.

What he did not like was that among the city's elite were many people who did not have to work for their status. He hated that people born with such fantastic luck could behave so reprehensibly, and yet continue to live in the lap of luxury.

He tried not to spend time with them, but found that people who weren't among the elite wanted to use him to become elite. He knew that the best thing would be for them to learn hard work, but anyone only wanted his money, not his advice.

He was stuck in a world he could not enjoy, though he continued to go through the motions. He married a wealthy heiress, and their combined wealth rivalled many nations. Together they produced one daughter.

His one hope at salvation, having a child to rear to appreciate life as he did was not to be. His daughter was spoiled and expected everything. He tried to teach her how to work hard, but her mother would have none of that.

The man died at a young age, for no more reason than he simply had no desire to live any more, and as his will gave up, so did his body. His wife and daughter weren't especially sad to see him go, and actually celebrated their freedom from his constant nagging about 'doing something'.

Alas, his wife was killed in a skiing accident, leaving their 18 year old alone, and sole heir to the fortune. There was a lot of fighting over the estates, but the man's will was very specific. Everything was to go to charitable organisations, except for a stipend for the daughter.

The stipend did not have a fixed amount though. The will stipulated that because she enjoyed the affairs of the flesh, she would need to add more flesh if she wanted to live off her father's hard work. Every month she would receive $100 for every pound she weighed. If she wanted to remain thin, she'd have to learn to work for herself. If she wanted to be rich, she would have to become fat.

The heiress thought this was completely unfair, and yet the will was ironclad, and the trust was already in place, including the ISO tuned scale that she was to use on the first of every month.

At first she thought she would survive just fine. She was 100 pounds, and $10,000 was a lot of money, right? It didn't even cover her shopping, much less rent, cars, utilities.

She quickly ran up a debt, and began to look at her options. She put together a budget, and decided that gaining 20 pounds wouldn't be too much trouble.

Sheila stopped speaking. Basil was sitting on her bed, looking at her expectantly. "And then what?"

Sheila yawned and patted her tummy, "I'm too tired, but I'll finish tomorrow."

Basil looked at her, looked at the rope on the floor, looked at the blue food containers and looked back at her. Sheila was already drifting off to sleep, her hands rubbing her fully belly. He picked up the rope and let her sleep.

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