Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Okay, been busy stuffing Ian to bursting!

Also, been trying to put more stories on the web. This computer shit is HARD.

Anyway, I'd like some feedback on these stories. Robert's is just the tip of the iceberg, he's got a long journey ahead of him.

I also have a FAQ up, you can actualy ask questions in it, so that's kinda cool.

Have fun!

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Have I mentioned…

… that I’m happy to be back with Ian?

Well I’ll say it again. I love him so much, and we were apart for wayyyyy too long.

Now the key is to find our own place, get a little privacy!

Not to mention, we're sleeping in a double bed right now. We could set up our bed, but getting a queen size mattress set in, and then back out, is a huge pain! So we reasoned sleeping in a double bed would be okay. And it is fun for a little while, but good lord, Ian's an awfully big guy to share a double bed with!

This weekend we're gonna check a few places out though, should be fun. We'll rent at first, but once things settle down, we've talked about getting a house! I can't wait for that. I want to decorate. Actually, getting a new apartment to decorate will be fun too. In fact, getting an apartment, decorating it and then getting a house to decorate is even better. Woohoo!

Monday, September 22, 2003

Joyous times!

I am once again living with Ian (technically, he’s living with me, and I’m living with Amy, but the point is, we get to sleep together every night!)

All his stuff is in storage at a place here in London, so when we find a place to move to, we can just go get it all and set everything up. All he has at our place are his clothes and his computer stuff. And his movies. Last night he and Amy were going through their collections, talking about the ones they had in common and how cool they were, or which ones they hope to get.

Of course, that was after I got to feed them both a huge pasta dinner! It wasn’t the best of my career, but it was pretty easy, I didn’t want to spend too much time cooking, would rather have spent it with Ian (which I did).

I see this post is just kind of rambling, but that’s okay, I don’t care, I’ve got Ian back.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Okay, I've put up a fancy new FAQ thanks to the generous people at Bravenet (no, they're not paying me, but I do like their free services, it's worth a link!).

Please look it over, and, you can even ask questions! Ask away, I'll answer them, how's that for power to the people?

With any luck, you'll know everything you ever wanted to know about me, plus the stuff everyone else wanted to know!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Jason has put in a request for me to write a bit more about Amy.

I met Amy in grade 9, she was in my gym class. I don’t know how all gym classes go, but I’m pretty that the people in them, absent other friends, will break up along athletic lines. My friend Jeri was in the class too, and the three of us (and one other girl) were by far the most athletically gifted. We were always on opposing teams, trying to outdo each other, but it was a friendly rivalry.

Our clique remained through high school, even though she was more into the business stuff, Jeri was more into the science stuff and I was all about art.

When we graduated I went into art history, Jeri didn’t go to university and Amy went to UWO to study accounting. Now, London’s not all that far away, but if you just want to go out for a night to get trashed, that’s along drive. So we sort of drifted apart. We’d see each other in the summer, but she was getting jobs working in London too, so Amy drifted out of our circle of friends.

The people she did get ‘in’ with at UWO were partiers (aren’t they all at Western?). She put on the freshman 15, and then kept going. She actually got ‘fat’ long before I’d discovered the joys of food!

But, since she had always been fit, she would lose weight, but like most women over 20, she would yo-yo around.

The last time I saw her was when Jeri’s daughter was born, Amy came home to see her. At that point, she was on an ‘up’. I think she’d been having trouble with her boyfriend. But at the same time, Jeri had gained her weight with pregnancy. That was also the time that I was opening my eyes to the possibilities of enjoying food on many more levels than making my stomach stop rumbling.

But it was a few years before I got to see Amy again. Just the way it goes, I was working in Toronto, she was working in London, and we rarely saw each other. Party my fault, as I had been gaining weight myself, I drifted away from our circle of friends back home, so if she came back, it was me who wasn’t there. But I was having fun, so who cares!

But, one of her friends in London runs a small gallery, and commented it was tough to find the right kind of people to help out. Amy knew that I had trouble finding places to work, but felt I’d get along really well with her friend. Lo and behold, I did get along well and had a new job in London!

Amy had recently broken up with a boyfriend she’d been living with. She kept the apartment, but it was suddenly a little more expensive than she could cover, so she invited me to stay on ‘until one of us goes nuts’.

At that point I was about my highest weight, and it had been a while since she actually saw me. She was totally blown away, she still thought of me as the 110 pound girl she met in gym class, not the 460 pound woman at her doorstep.

She was curious about the weight gain, and I was open and honest with her. I told her about my philosophies about food being an art, and that it can be enjoyed if prepared the right way.

It should also be noted that at this point I’d been feeding Ian for, oh, about 6 months, and myself for the years before that, so I was rather used to preparing vast meals. Amy wasn’t used to eating good meals at all. She can cook okay, and her boyfriend could cook okay, but nothing fancy really. But once she got a taste of my food, she was hooked. I didn’t MEAN to over feed her, but I was just used to it.

She didn’t realise what was going on, and she just ate away, with me. We both gained weight before I finally had to put a stop to it. I was too big for my own comfort, and she had pledged to not have a boyfriend until she got her weight under control, she was well on her way to being a nun!

She then began to diet, and I began my diet, and all was good.

Then the guy who I replaced at work came home from where he was studying in England! He started hanging around the store, and we got along quite well. I’m not sure exactly what he found interesting in me, but he was as fascinated about my weight as anyone reading this diary ever is.

But when he met Amy, I could SWEAR I heard a click. They’re like Ian and I, not the same, but interested enough in each other that it makes things more interesting.

BUT, he was still fascinated by my weight.

So, he has convinced Amy that she could try gaining some weight herself. Given that her past attempts at dieting had been mediocre at best, and her goal of losing weight before finding a boyfriend had been short circuited, it wasn’t that huge a deal to her.

Since her decision, she’s gained maybe 5 pounds. I don’t know, I haven’t asked, she hasn’t told me, just my ‘eyeballing’. She is eating more these days, and has taken a few tips from Ian about ‘eating well’. She’s making requests of me for dinner, which I’m more than happy to prepare, but she eats more when Thomas is around.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


I’ve been pretty busy, didn’t realise I had let my journal get a little outdated!

So what’s had me so busy? Well, with school starting up, we’ve been doing some stuff to help us get noticed by all the students at Western and Fanshawe college. So business is up a bit.

Also, I’ve been picking up the brushes again. I’ve gone too long without doing any painting, and it really shows. I’ve got a lot of crap sitting in the closet at the moment!

Finally, Ian’s got a job here in London! So, we’re looking for a place to live here in London!!! I mean, I’ve already got a place, but we’ll need a little space to ourselves… though Amy has invited Ian to live here for a little bit. We might take her up on that.

So what else has been going on?

Well, Ian’s weight gain continues. He’s a little off his peak weight, but he’s 473 pounds now, so that’s pretty good!

Amy’s becoming a bit of a gainer too. She’s been asking me to make ‘the good stuff’ more and more. She’s certainly not as gung ho as Ian, but reminds me of me when I started gaining weight.

So, hopefully I’ll be doing more writing soon. I know I’ll be feeding Ian more! Not to mention, with Ian in town I’ll have a scale that can handle me for weekly weigh ins again. It’s kinda bugging me that I don’t know if I’m losing weight or gaining or what. At this size, it’s just tough to tell. One morning I feel like I’ve lost 40 pounds, the next morning I wake up expecting some Inuit to come along and harpoon me.

Ah well.

I’ve also been a little bereft of complete stories, I’ve started about a dozen, but can’t seem to figure out where they’re going. Is it important for each story to be better than the previous one I’ve written? Should I be posting garbage, hoping that someone else might enjoy it more than I do?

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