Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tipping the Scale
This is it, I've reached my tipping point. I want a baby more than I want to be fat. Next week I'll begin my new lifestyle. Why now? Well, it makes sense, the holiday season is always a time when routines change, so, if my routine is going to change, might as well make the change I want. Also, if I wait until next year, the gyms will be busy, and Sherry will be busy, so if I want her help, it'll be better to get into a new routine now, than when she can't help out.
I'll be following what worked for me before, adjusting for what has worked with Ian. I'll eat less, I'll snack better, and I'll exercise more (more than none? I think I can handle that.) I've been more active since the summer than normal, so I don't think it'll be as tough as it would have been if I decided to do this in June.
I have no goals set for the near term, simply to get into a routine that I can stick with and fits into my lifestyle.
I'll keep up my diary, though I'm sure I'll lose fans, but I'm okay with that. I do plan to keep up my fiction, but I can't guarantee that a change in my lifestyle won't affect it. Which begs the question: is there a such thing as erotic weight loss fiction? I guess I could always look for it. I'm not planning to write any. Especially if there's no market for it, lol.
As for my writing, I'm really happy with my story from yesterday: Dream a L'il Dream. People have been asking for more stories just focusing on the body itself, so I think I've got that. I surprised myself a little bit with it though. The whole time I was writing the story, I knew she was going to wake up skinny, then call Rob up and say she wanted to get fat, and yet the ending I wrote just came out. It's nice when you can be surprised by your own story! I like the way it works, as it's technically more honest than what I'd intended, I hope it was a pleasant surprise for other people too.
So even though I'm planning to start losing weight, this week brought another couple of pounds my way. I'm up to 521, which puts me just 10 shy of Amy who hasn't been able to gain for a while now. I know there are people who are eager to see me surpass her, and... it's not my goal. I really am big enough. If there was part of me that really wanted to, I probably would, but it's just not something I feel like I need to do. It might be different and we were still seeing each other on a regular basis, but I'm the biggest person I see on a regular basis, and that's enough for me. Besides, if I wanted to be truly bigger, there's always the BMI argument because of my height, so 531 wouldn't be enough anyway.
I notice I've been linked to I think that's pretty cool, so thanks. I'm not a member of the site because I don't really have time for it. I poked around once before without joining, and it's changed since then, I can actually see a lot more now than I could before. Maybe I will join and see about getting my stories in there somewhere. I worry that when they scroll off the main page of my diary they're kind of forgotten. Do the tags help with that? Does anyone have any suggestions for what I might do to preserve my stories in a more convenient format?
Finally, as always, I'm looking for feedback on the stories. I'm getting up some steam on 'Byline'. 'Karen and Michael' seems to be foundering a little, and 'Matt and Annie' is becoming a little operatic, not sure what I'll do with that. I might write another 'Stuck' story. I've got one in mind, it just needs to be fleshed out, so to speak. I might try some more one off stories like Dream. At least they might point me in interesting directions. Geraldine's story remains on hold. I've got it planned out, but simply cannot get it right on the page/screen.
Also, with Thanksgiving coming up in Canada, why not re-read my old Thanksgiving yarns?
Seems like Thanksgiving should be an event celebrating food and fatness like no other and as soon as the left overs are done... except there won't be any leftovers :)
Nick .. Good Luck with making new_char = old_char/2;
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