Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Big Weigh In

I certainly wasn’t prepared to weigh 312 pounds. Aside from the fact that I actually AM that weight, and was dealing quite well with it in the moments before I knew. It’s just one of those things that knowing seems to make a difference.

I was hoping to weigh around 300 pounds. That means if I gain 20 pounds, I’ve only got to lose 40 pounds to be at my ‘agile weight’ I’d like to be for parenting purpose. Now… if I gain 20 pounds, I’ve got to lose over 50 pounds. Certainly not an insurmountable task, but it’s still a little more than I was planning. Besides, I was counting getting to gain 40 pounds, not just 8.

Ian suggests that since I felt I was 280, and wanted to get to 300, that I might as well just gain the 20 pounds I felt like I should gain. That’s really not a bad idea, certainly I’m eating like that’s my plan!

Aside from that, I’m enjoying my down time. I’m really just hanging around my HOME. It’s been so long since I just spent time at the apartment, alone. Of course, the big downside is I’ve found a million things to change in my mural.

I’m getting to spend time out shopping when it’s not too busy, I really like that. I’m getting to take time to make fancy dinners for Ian every night. I’m really taking to this whole ‘house wife’ thing actually. I never thought I would, but, well, don’t knock something until you try it I guess.

Of course, just when I fall in love with being a homebody, I’ll be starting work on Monday.

C’est la vie.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The bets are in…

How big will I be when I weigh in tomorrow?

November 24th, last official weigh in: 266 pounds

Ian’s guess: 290 pounds

Amy’s guess: 285 pounds

Thomas’s guess: 300 pounds

My guess: 280 pounds

Monday, March 28, 2005

Home is with your Husband

I’m back home in London. I’m so very very very very very happy!

Ian came up on Friday, we got our cars packed up, then headed to my parents place for Easter. We actually had dinner Saturday night (I made roast beef) so that we could head home on Sunday without being rushed.

Finally being home on Sunday felt very good, very right. It was like coming home from camp, I just settled right back in. The apartment was just how I left it, or so it feels. Ian did a better job of keeping it tidy than I thought he would (based on how his apartment used to be!), which has me very impressed.

Sunday night we had Thomas and Amy over for dinner. Unfortunately, with the stores being closed on Sunday, we didn’t get a chance to make a real dinner, so we just had Chinese food. It’s been a while since I really got to eat with Amy and Ian, and it was fun to be part of that again. After living with Jamie and Shelley, I’ve become used to being the big eater. I’d even deluded myself into thinking I was eating like I did in the old days. After dinner with Ian and Amy, either I’ve got a long way to go, or they’re way past what I could put away in my prime!

It was a real treat to sleep next to Ian, not having to ‘enjoy it while I can’. I can enjoy sleeping with my husband day in and day out forever.

I won’t call moving to Ottawa a mistake. If I hadn’t, I’d never be happy. Also, the feeling of COMING home is incredible, I’d never have known if I didn’t leave.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I'm going Home!

I'm going home to London this weekend.

I've got my projects wrapped up here, and... my boss actually found me a job in London! I'll be working for a different department, and technically I'm not allowed to transfer, but, since my husband got a new job in London, and because they need someone right away, they're kinda bending the rules.

It's only a part time job for now: I'll be taking over for a pregnant woman when she's on maternity leave, but she's working only part time on Doctor's Orders. I'll work with her to get things sorted out, then take over fully when she pops.

This isn't my first time taking over for a prego. It's a lot of pressure, people expect you to do what she did before, and then, you never know if you'll still have a job when she comes back!

Friday, March 11, 2005

I'm Comin' Home

Actaully, bridging the gap between 'the unwashed' and 'mis-understood' has been my strongpoint for a few years now. I think a great part of that is I'm loathe to have my own art 'mis-understood' (which is the main reason why it remains MY art!) Of course, one accepts that it's not really possible to understand anyone, just sort of get the idea for a little bit.


On to other news. Ian's got a huge promotion, he's staying in London. I'll be returning. I don't know what I'll be doing, or when. I have a few projects that I would feel awful about dropping here. But, once that's wrapped up, I'll be back in London. I have no idea what I'll be doing. Although staying home and getting fat has a certain appeal to it!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Big Visit

Thomas decided last week was the time for Amy to finally come up to the Gallery. She’d never been, I’m not really surprised, she’s never been interested in art. It’s tough for people to properly appreciate art. I think it’s tough for artists to understand THAT. People think we’re misunderstood. Well, you misanthropes are misunderstood by us.

Like anyone else, she was surprised at how impressed she was by the gallery. It’s never what anyone expects, which is almost exactly how a gallery is supposed to be! If you knew what you were going to see, why would you go see it?

Not surprisingly, the piece she loved the most was Scott’s Trans-Am Apocalypse. No one ever expects a car!

It was good to see her again. I miss her, but when I’m in London, I’m spending all my time with Ian. (I certainly don’t think anyone can fault me for that!) It was great to get to go around the gallery with her and Thomas.

She’s definitely getting to be a big girl! She’s a lot more bottom heavy than I was, in fact, her butt may be as big as mine ever was. She’s also getting to the point that I was at: she’s really slowing down, walking around the museum for a couple days really took it out of her. She seemed to be taking it okay, we’ll see how she feels in a couple months.

I didn’t really get to cook for her like I wanted to, we ended up eating out the whole time. It would’ve been nice to sit down and just eat with her, but we had fun. Friday night we did pretty good just hanging out and munching away. I just want to enjoy EATING with her, now that she really understands, and I’m back appreciating too. We just never seemed to be on the right wavelength at the right time.

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