Wednesday, March 31, 2004

The making of a 500 pound man.

The making of a 500 pound man.

You’d think today was Christmas and Ian was 8 years old. He’s been so excited all week, ever since he hit 499 pounds last Wednesday. We knew that 500 was coming, and we knew that he’d be 500 pounds at this morning’s weigh in. But like a kid wanting to open his present early, he wanted to weigh in yesterday, Monday, on the weekend. He knew he was 500, he just wanted to make it official. I made him wait. Wednesday is weigh in day. Gotta have something to look forward to!

Actually, for the past couple days I’ve been kidding with him. Even though I knew he was over 500, I kept saying yesterday was the last time he’d have breakfast less than 500 pounds, go to work less than 500 pounds, go to sleep less than 500 pounds, have sex less than 500 pounds. (Okay, turns out I was wrong about the sex thing.)

This morning he was up at 5 AM. He wanted to go weigh in, but I made him stay in bed with me until 7. We cuddled for a bit, I was having fun with his fat, again teasing him that I’d never get to play with someone who was less than 500 pounds again, so I would enjoy it while I could.

I know I’ve written about it before, but I’ll write about it again. There is something simply amasing about one person having that much flesh. The shear breadth of Ian is astounding. Lying down, he’s a mountain. Sitting up, well, he’s a bigger mountain. Rolling over is an adventure. Even watching him breathe, with his massive stomach moving up and down, is astounding. There is so much raw power behind all that fat. And it’s MINE.

I finally let him out of bed so he would weigh in. He hurried, but of course when a 500 pound man hurries, it’s more majestic than fast. Watching him turn and shift weight as he gets out of bed (and feeling the mattress spring back once his weight is off! Imagine a woman as fat as I am being flung around by a mattress!). Feeling the reverberations of the floor from each footfall. Enjoying the massive tides of fat crossing his ass, his back, his tummy with each step.

It’s funny, watching him move down the hallway to the living room. He pretty much takes up the whole thing. Part of it is the illusion caused by him swaying back and forth, and the wide arc his arms follow when they swing around his sides. But he couldn’t pass himself in the hallway. Hell, it’s a squeeze for lil’ ol’ me to get past him.

Anyway, as of 7:01 AM, on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 anno Domini, Ian weighed in at 502 pounds. My little boy is now a fat man!

It’s an understatement to say he was excited to have passed 500 so convincingly. I haven’t seen him that excited in a while, and this guy goes nuts when his Maple Leafs score a goal. He jumped around, he hugged me, he jumped around some more. (I could write about him jumping for another 200 pages if I had the time!)

He finally settled down, waddled off to have his shower while I cooked up his first 500 pound breakfast. Didn’t have time for anything super special, I just scrambled up a dozen eggs and fried up a pack of bacon and half a loaf of toast. He took some juice and candy bars for his drive to work.

His first day of 500 pound work.

I’m so proud of him!

Oh, by the way, I’m fully 200 pounds smaller than Ian. Yup, 302 pounds. It’s so weird, being fat and thin at the same time.

I’m feeling good with my weight. I get around way better than I used to. I still remember how awkward I felt at 460, twice as awkward as Ian seems now, I’m sure. But 300 really is a good comfort zone for me. I can run if I have to (not a marathon, but more than three steps). I can actually find a good selection of clothes to wear. I can go out and not be the biggest person. I don’t just mean Ian, but there are enough 300 pounders around these days that I don’t feel like a freak all the time. I fit into places that I didn’t use to. Actually, my mentality has sort of flipped here. For a while, I was surprised when I did fit somewhere, now, suddenly I realise that I’m surprised when I DON’T fit somewhere.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

He’s teasing me.

He’s teasing me.

499 pounds.

One more pizza, one more box of doughnuts and he’d be 500 pounds, but no, he weighs in at 499.

If he’s 499 (or less!) next week, I’m gonna kill him.

Death by chocolate to be sure.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Dirk's Door

Dirk's Door

I wrote another story.

Actually, I've written several, but they're all serials, and I already have an unfinished serial, why post more?

So, please enjoy Dirk's Door

(If you really want me to post unfinished serials, leave a comment, or mail me and I'll think about it)

New Goals

New Goals

I think my goals have changed again. I wanted to get to 300 pounds. Since getting close, I’d decided that 280 would probably be closer to what I was hoping for. But now I’m thinking of losing more weight.


Last night, when hugging Ian, I was wishing I could reach around him more. Since I want him to keep gaining weight, they only way I can reach around him more is for me to lose weight. If I were thinner, I think I could wrap my arms around him. I think. But there’s still too much of me getting in the way!

Of course, Ian will keep gaining weight as I keep losing, so it may be that by the time my fat isn’t in my way that his will be. But with the size he is now, he has to gain a lot just to get a bit bigger, and I’m losing faster than he’s gaining.

How much weight do I want to lose? I think getting to 200 pounds should give me the sensation I’m looking for.

It’s not that I really want to be that small, I just want to be that much smaller than Ian. When he reaches 600 pounds, he’ll be three times bigger than me! I’m already thinking about how mountainous he’ll seem to me. It will be glorious!

Of course, that’s still a while away.

Monday, March 22, 2004

No Title

No Title

Ah, another weekend spent with a spectacular specimen of humanity.

I don’t know why people don’t like fat men. I mean, I k now I used to, but I think it had to do with peer pressure: everyone else hated fat men, so I did too. I guess that’s still the reason why people don’t like fat men.

That’s just too bad.

I’m sure there are some ingrained survival instincts or some such. Ian isn’t about to run down a caribou for dinner or anything. Luckily, he doesn’t have to.

Since my survival is not at stake, I can luxuriate in Ian’s mountain of flesh. He looks good so many ways, but lately I’ve been rather taken by his profile when he’s sitting down. From the side, you can see his double chin join right to his neck. It forms a soft, graceful arch, and is but a hint of the curves to come.

At his shoulders, they are round, and soft. At his back, fat has accumulated, and when he’s sitting down it’s pushed up, and forms a collar. It gives him an incredibly solid appearance.

Then there is that massive belly. When he’s sitting down it rests upon his lap. With the support of his thighs, the belly piles into a enormous hemisphere protruding from his front. This hemisphere is balanced by the fat of his back, trussed up by his massive buttocks. His back isn’t as big as his belly, of course, but it complements it perfectly, giving him a soft, rounded silhouette.

When he’s sitting he’s got to be about 5 feet from the front of his belly to the furthest reach of his buttons. And similarly, 5 feet from love handle to love handle. Considering that his torso is only 3 feet tall, his upper body is almost twice as far across as it is tall!

I’ve been doing sketches of him just sitting on the bedside. He doesn’t have the patience for it, but he does it for me anyway. I love how they’re coming out, I think I’m capturing exactly what I love about how he looks now. I just wish I’d done some of these before, so I could capture his transformation.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Amy's World

My friend Amy now has a web diary.

Actually, she's had one for over a year, but I didn't know.


I know I told her about mine a while ago, and I think I DID show her how to do one, but that's all I remember. But then Ian told her about how he enjoys tracking his weight, so she got into it again.

Amy's World


Friday, March 19, 2004

Another Friday Five I like!

Another Friday Five I like!

If you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

Fattening food, of course. If anyone asks for their meal with no bread, I’d personally come out from the kitchen and kick their ass.

It would probably focus on Italian cuisine

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?

Artwork from local artists

Either that or plus sized clothes THAT LOOK NICE

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?

Absurdist fiction.
Or maybe historical study.

Is there a weight-gain fiction category? (I suppose most people would lump that in with CS Carol eh?)

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?

Can a school teach painting and cooking?

Well, either way, MY school would definitely teach Fat Acceptance

5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?

Ah… the one area of the arts that I have proven to have no discernable talent in. I played clarinet. Badly. I don’t think anyone wants to hear that.

Perhaps some sort of spoken word album would suit me best.

Oooh, or maybe some sort of neo-industrial music crafted out of crazy ass samples. I’d try to translate my art into sound.

Nobody’d buy it, but that’s not the point, is it?

Thursday, March 18, 2004



Thomas has been invited to do some research in Italy!

One of the guys he was working in England with wants to work with him again.

I won’t go into specifics here, but I’m incredibly envious of Thomas right now.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Feeling Better

Feeling Better

I’m finally feeling a bit better.

So now I can write about going to Toronto ;-)

Ian decided to go up to Toronto on the weekend to watch the hockey game with some of his friends. No big deal. I didn’t go with him because I was working. But, when I was done work, I just drove up the 401 anyway.

I hung out with Amanda and Jeri Saturday night. Of course, Amanda’s bed time came far too soon. It was great to see her again, and she’s always so excited to see me. I miss her so much, I almost want to move back to Toronto so I can spend more time with her. She’s smart, she’s full of energy and she’s so damn cute. She still loves the mural I did for her. I cringe when I look at it, all I can see are my mistakes, and the crayon additions she’s made.

The rest of the night Jeri and I talked about her wedding plans. They’ve got everything sorted out, so it’s mostly a matter of waiting. Jeri’s never been good at waiting. She’s not exactly impulsive, like I am, but she’s bad at setting long range plans and then following through.

Since the last time I saw her she’s definitely gained weight. She’s worried that she won’t fit her wedding dress. She also wants me to make sure that my dress will fit properly, since I’ve lost so much weight since having it sized.

She’s such a wreck about her wedding plans, I’m glad we haven’t done any planning of our own yet!

Sunday morning Ian, Jeri, James, Amanda and I all went out for brunch. It had been a while since Amanda saw Ian, and she was just wide eyed when she first saw him. I guess he makes a big impression. The brunch went well, but since it was social, Ian didn’t go full tilt, he only had three or four plates of food.

Even though Ian missed hockey with Amy on Saturday night, they had Monday and Tuesday to make up for it, and they certainly did their best. I think they ate three games worth of food over those two nights.

Ian’s weight is finally up this week, even if it is just a pound, it’s good to get the scale moving again. I’m getting ready to push him past 500 pounds, just need to find the time to do it.

I’m at 307. It seems like I’m breaking mental milestones all the time. Being under 310 shouldn’t be a big deal. But it is! Just seeing that number made me feel lighter, made my clothes feel looser. I know it’s all in my head, but who cares? I feel great.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Feeling Bad

Feeling Bad

I was going to write about going to Toronto this weekend and seeing some friends.

But I'm not feeling well.

Just wanted the record to show I went to Toronto.

Friday, March 12, 2004

My Weird Place

My Weird Place

I’m definitely inhabiting a weird place, in terms of overall society. Most women who weigh more than 300 pounds are the biggest people they know. At work, I’m much larger than anyone else at the store, and yet at home, Ian’s almost 200 pounds bigger than I am, I’m small fry in the apartment!

So I still have to deal with the issues of being fat in the real world: I’m still bedevilled by the narrow aisles and crammed store room at work. I still find public seating uncomfortable at best, and I’m always the subject of people staring.

And then when I get home, the world reverses, and Ian is the one who finds that he can’t walk past the bed if the dresser is open, or he has to take a few steps to open the fridge door.

I love it! I get to be two completely different people, and I don’t have to do a thing. I love being fat. I love being thin. I love getting to experience a double life.

Of course, on the other hand I’m really jealous of Ian being so massive. I just wasn’t happy at 460. I won’t argue that. But seeing him happy at 500 pounds, I wish I could’ve experienced that. I want to flop down on the couch in Amy’s place at eat a whole pizza, devour a dozen doughnuts and ask for more. I want to have my massive stomach back, I want my enormous thighs.

Except, I don’t. I don’t want my back to hurt, I don’t want clothes shopping to be an agonising hit and miss safari, I don’t want to give up playing basketball because I need to sit down after being on my feet for 10 minutes.

I love the relationship I have with Ian now. He gets to do the eating I wish I was. He gets spoiled the way I wish I was. I love being able to bring that to someone. I love that I’m such a pivotal person in his life.

I don’t know what I’d do differently with my life now. I am happy. I wish I could do things that are impossible, but who doesn’t? And even if I was doing these things, would I actually be happier? Probably not. Just find other things to complain about I suppose.

I’ve heard the quote that ‘life is defined by your suffering’. Well, how many people’s suffering is encapsulating by wishing they were fatter?

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Ian Plateau

The Ian Plateau

Again Ian is holding steady at 495 pounds.

It looks good on him, it really does. He says it feels great, which makes me happy. I don’t know if I’d be happy at 495 pounds (I wasn’t too keen on 460), so I’m glad he can handle it so well. I’m also glad that he’s disappointed that he’s not making progress. Of course, I also feel bad that he’s not making progress, it is my job to make the guy’s food, after all.

Amy’s been doing her best to get Ian’s weight up. She brought over pizza, wings and garlic bread last night for the hockey game, and Ian definitely polished off his half. It’s a lot of fun watching her work on Ian, while at the same time gauging her own capacity. Already she can go bite for bite with Ian, with a little work, I bet she could out eat him!

It certainly shows on her too, she’s gaining weight quickly. Even compared to Ian I can see how much larger she is just over the last month. The best part is, of course, that she’s loving it. I remember when she felt awful about her weight, and now, she’s comfortable in her own skin. She reminds me a lot more of the girl I knew in high school! Except bigger.

Last night at basketball I was running. That’s right, running. Sure, I’ve taken a few quick steps before, but at best I was doing short sprints. Not last night. I actually ran up or down the court. Not back to back, of course. But there were a few times I actually got into a good place before anyone reacted! Now I just need to work on running more than a couple times.

Monday, March 08, 2004

A Feeder Awakens

A Feeder Awakens

I remember when I first moved into London, Amy had gained weight since I last saw her. With my obvious weight gain, it wasn’t all that hard to talk about it. I realised she was one of those people who ate ‘well’, but always had that extra treat. That’s why she’d gained weight, just an extra treat here or there.

I think she didn’t realise it, but she was a bit of a closet feeder! Now that she and Ian are actively gaining weight, her feeder aspect is really showing up. She can’t cook like I can, so she makes up for it in buying treats. She and Ian have a ritual, when hockey’s on TV, she brings over pizza. And then during the intermission, someone goes out for doughnuts. It makes her happy to provide for Ian like that, as well as herself.

Saturday night Ian introduced her to another sport: Formula One Racing. This is the European sport where Ferrari is the top dog. Most of the races are in Europe, and hence on very early in the morning. I usually just sleep through them. But the Australian Race was on the weekend, and it played at 10 oclock at night, conveniently right after the hockey game.

This is actually a sport that Amy can get into. She likes cars, so it’s not a big departure for her to get into a car based sport I guess.

Anyway, because they were spending the evening together, Amy planned ahead. Yes, they each had a large pizza from Pizza Hut. Yes, they each managed to eat 12 Krispy Kremes. And yes, they each ate a bag of potato chips. But then Amy brought out the piece de resistance: a huge cherry cheese cake. They worked their way though it during the race, and save one piece I swiped, they finished off the entire thing!

I’ve seen Ian eat an entire cheesecake alone before. But it was never quite that big, and he definitely hadn’t eaten that much before! Of course, he did share it.

One thing I love about watching them both indulge is being able to sit back and watch. It kind of reminds me of when all your friends are drunk or high and you’re not (like when they’re done final exams, and you still have an essay to write). You feel bad that you’re not joining in, but you get a good laugh at how they’re acting. Same thing when two people are stuffed on the couch. They just sit there, rubbing their tummies, groaning every time they move.

No, it’s not the same as seeing Ian stuffed on the couch either. When it’s just him, it’s sexy. When it’s both of them, it’s funny. I can’t very well take Amy’s shirt off and rub her tummy, not can I do that to Ian while Amy’s present!

Friday, March 05, 2004

Corpulance Celebre

Corpulance Celebre

Last night Amy was over to watch the hockey game with Ian. I figured it’s been a while since I spoiled Ian, so last night I decided to make sure they enjoyed the game.

Dinner was simple enough, I made up a beef stew. I’m not really all that fond of stew, but it was something different, and I know Ian likes surprises. It turned out pretty well, but I’ll definitely try something different next time I do it.

Amy brought over a customary pizza for them to eat during the game. Some days I feel they’re single-handedly keeping Pizza Hut in business. It’s actually kind of funny watching them eat pizza. They both want to eat theirs faster, except they also want to enjoy it too.

With the pizza vanquished, I stepped out to get them a dozen doughnuts to split. They definitely take their time with the doughnuts, but they never last long any way.

To top off the evening I put together some banana splits for them. The game was over before the ice cream was gone, but that’s okay. I rather enjoyed watching them sit on the couch enjoying my concoction.

They still form a contrast, Ian is much much larger than Amy. Except, when she’s not next to Ian, Amy’s becoming quite large. Her face has rounded out a bit, and her double chin is becoming prominent. Her stomach is getting rounder, and it’s spreading out into a full fledged belly.

Ian, of course, remains Ian. With his weight gain slowing down, it’s interesting to get used to him at this size. It’s not like he’s radically different from 450 pounds, or even 400. More of the same, just… bigger.

When he eats, he brings his plate up onto his stomach so he can sit back on the couch. It’s actually funny watching him try to lean forward and reach something on the coffee table, his stomach piles up on his lap, and he can’t lean very far. Mostly he sits up, then rotates and leans to the side. It’s almost the same action he uses for standing up from the couch.

In the last month since his growth spurt he has definitely become accustomed to his new size. His waddle is more controlled, he can shift his weight better when standing up or sitting down, he doesn’t bump into as many things. Of course, that just makes him look all the more majestic. He moves a little bit slower, a little bit more deliberately. He looks like those dramatic, slow motion shots in the movies. Damn majestic, like an iceberg, or an ocean liner.

What’s bigger than those? Are planets majestic?

Just planning ahead for when he reaches 600.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Just a couple days' worth of thoughts

Just a couple days' worth of thoughts

Well, Ian didn’t gain any weight this past week. I haven’t been spending as much time cooking as I’d like to, but I’m trying to get my mural worked out so I can start it.

The mural is bugging me, because I totally have it in my head, except when I put it on paper, there’s always SOMETHING that just isn’t right. Until I can put it on paper, I’m not putting it on the wall. This is something I have to look at, after all. It’s driving me NUTS.

This weekend Ian’s going to take me for a test drive. He’s narrowed it down to a Honda Pilot or a Nissan Murano. I think the Murano looks much nicer, but I guess we’ll see which one is more comfortable to ride in. Ian says the Pilot is better there. Since it’s his car, it’s his comfort that counts. Amy is also partial to the Pilot.

I’m down 4 pounds from last week. I was running around a lot, so that must’ve had its effect on me. I feel great with all that weight gone. I feel bad saying it, because I liked having the extra weight. But the last thing I want to do is lie about my feelings.

At basketball I’m getting better. I’ve gained an extra half step, and I’m becoming almost someone to watch out for on the floor!

Actually, after basketball something happened. I was in the locker room with a couple of the girls I play with, and some other women made a few comments. They were in that mock quiet voice, like you’re pretending to be private, but mean for someone to overhear. Just some stuff about how I could possibly show my fat ass in shorts and a tshirt like that.

I’m well beyond being bugged by comments like that. I know where they come from, and since I’m content with my body, they really don’t but me. But the did steam the girls I was with. They’re both in great shape (indeed, they probably had the same thoughts about me when I intruded on their group to play basketball!), but as my friends, they didn’t like hearing anyone say that.

So, mostly for their benefit (though I admit, I enjoyed it too), I simply went up to the other two girls (and they are like 20) to confront them. They turned away, mumbled an apology. I offered to buy them drinks, but they wouldn’t take me up on it.

Felt good.

I want to get Ian over his hump and upto 500 pounds. I know it’s only 5 pounds from where he is, no big deal. But I think he’d be happier knowing he’d broken 500. I’m still hoping to get him upto 600 pounds. He is still shooting for 550, which might work, since I’m pretty sure I’ll get to 280.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Not as much eating

Not as much eating

on the weekend as I’d have liked, but what can you do? I had to work on Saturday.

Of course, Amy and Ian had their normal hockey binge Saturday night, that’s always good for a few thousand calories.

Yesterday we went to an Oscar Party at Michelle’s place. Even though Michelle and Amy are friends, they hadn’t seen each other in a while. It was king of funny to see Michelle’s reaction to Amy’s new weight!

We were good party goers though, I knew that Amy and Ian would be devouring the snacks, so I made sure we brought more than our fair share, and I spent most of the night making sure there was a steady supply for everyone. I don’t mind, never been a huge fan of the Academy Awards. I just went ‘cause everyone else from work went. I’d hate to be the odd one out. (Odd one? Sure. Just not out!)

Ian did some more test drives on the weekend, this time he took Amy with him, now that he’s discovered she’s into cars. I guess he wasn’t as impressed with whatever he tried as he thought he’d be, he wants to get the Nissan something or other. I think. It’s a pretty cool looking vehicle. It’s an SUV, but all angled looking. Not really for off roading, but that’s fine by me. If we broke down off road, I don’t know how we’d get back to civilisation anyway.

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